Say No to Children, Good or Bad?


Medical Video: How To Say No To Bad Things - Good Habits and Manners for Kids Animation Video

Are you the type of parent who often forbids children with the words "no" and "no"? Or maybe you always try to avoid those words? The style of each parent in raising his children is indeed different. Indeed, there is no right or wrong way to take care of children as long as you always try to provide the best for your child. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, including the habit of saying "no" to children. So you can consider which method is most suitable for your child, first consider the following reviews.

Saying "no" to children is important

Prohibiting children, especially children under five years of age (toddlers) with the words "no" or "do not" is one way to show your firmness. These words contain a commanding tone so that the message that the child will receive becomes more influential than when you are looking for other reasons or talking in circles. By saying "no", the child will also learn about the limits of acceptable behavior. If you don't use the words "no" and "no" too often, the child will learn that if you say it, you are really serious.

In addition, saying "no" or "no" can also have a positive impact on children. If you say it in a calm but firm tone, not while shouting angrily or crying in despair, your child will learn to understand that not all rejection is a bad thing. As long as you say "no" accompanied by a positive explanation, the child will appreciate your intentions. That way, the child will imitate you when he will say "no". Instead of using it as a weapon when whining and insisting, the child will only say "no" if he has clear reasons and only at certain times. So, saying "no" is not an unlawful thing. As long as you can package the words wisely, the child will imitate the example you gave.

That needs to be considered when saying "no" to children

Many parents are anxious about using the word "no" to ban children because the nature of this word is believed to contain negative meanings. Some people also believe that saying "no" or "no" to children will actually awaken the rebellious nature in children. The child who often hears the ban makes him immune to these words. Children will continue to try and test the extent to which these words work as a method of disciplining themselves.

In addition, what is also feared is that children will follow the habits of their parents to say "no" or "no" to others. So, what needs to be considered is the way you convey the ban. Make sure that you don't use these words too often so that the effect is still effective in disciplining children.

How to ban children without saying "no"

There are many other ways to prohibit or rebuke a child without saying "no" and "no". You can try some of the strategies below so that your intentions are still conveyed to the child well.

Explain the reason

If your child plays the food, try to remind him with a firm tone and clear reasons such as, "The food is to be put into the mouth, not to be stirred like that." Even the child will learn that you do not approve of his behavior because he do not be right, not only because "just can't be." For example, for example, if your child leaves the room in a mess, try to reprimand him by saying, "Your room should be for rest, not to be messed up to mess. See, now your bed can't be used to sleep anymore. "

Give a direct example

Children learn not only from your words, but also through your actions. If your child always fights with his brother or sister for fighting over toys, give an example that sharing and borrowing is better. You can deliberately play with your child and toys. Then you can pretend to borrow a toy that is being played by the child politely. If he doesn't want to lend his toy, give in.

When your child tries to grab a toy from your hand, invite the child to play together in a tone that remains calm. Show that the toy can be used together. You can also give it to children with conditions such as, "Please, son, but later when it's finished returning it to you, yes." That way, the child learns how to borrow something and what to do if someone tries to take something from him. Remember, this process must be done many times until the child memorizes the pattern. Be patient and give time for children to understand your intentions.

Invite children to talk carefully

Almost every parent must have faced a sulky or crying child who roared so that his wishes were obeyed. When this happens, maybe the instinct that appears is saying "Don't cry like that," to the child. Instead of saying this, it's better to say positively like, "Dad knows you are angry, but if you cry like that Daddy is so hard to understand what you want. Try to say it slowly to Daddy, " With such an approach, children will learn that crying and sulking will not make their desires fulfilled, but rather by talking well.

After you successfully persuade the child to calm down, the child will be easier to accept the explanations and restrictions that you give. When a child has agreed with your words, praise and say thank you so that the child realizes that you really appreciate cooperative behavior. From there children learn the importance of listening and compromising with each other.


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Say No to Children, Good or Bad?
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