6 Benefits of Collagen You Must Know (Not Only for the Skin)


Medical Video: 7 Amazing Benefits Of Collagen

In recent years, collagen has been selling well as a supporting component in various body care products - such as shampoo and skin moisturizer. But not many know about collagen, and what are the benefits of collagen for the body so that its existence can be very popular?

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant type of fibrous and insoluble protein in the human body. Collagen is the main foundation of bones, skin, tendons, and ligaments to give it structure and strength. Collagen is also found in many other body parts, including blood vessels, corneas and teeth. Like, collagen is a glue that holds the whole body together. Even the word collagen actually comes from Greek, "kólla" which means glue.

How does collagen form in the body?

Inside the skin, there are a number of special cells that produce mini molecules called pro collagen by processing vitamin C and proteins that have been absorbed by the body. During the production process, each of these molecules sticks to each other and forms fibrils. Fibrils are thin strands made of minerals and vitamins that resemble thread fibers. Fibrils then grow and turn into fibers that attach to skin cells, functioning like anchors. After these fibers are formed and anchored correctly, the fibrils then work to support the structure of the skin and provide the characteristic elasticity.

The body can produce its own collagen consistently. But this ability will continue to decrease with age. Exposure to sunlight and pollutants can also inhibit collagen production. Similarly with the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. People whose body lacks collagen can be identified by the appearance of skin that starts to sag, and fine lines and wrinkles arise. Depletion of the body's natural amount of collagen has been linked to a number of health problems.

In order to support increased collagen production, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. Like all proteins, collagen is made of amino acids, some of which cannot be produced by the body so it must be obtained from a healthy diet - for example proline, anthocyanidin, vitamin A, vitamin C, and copper. Smooth blood flow also plays an important role in collagen production, so that the body can produce enough collagen. You also have to exercise regularly.

What are the benefits of collagen for the body?

Collagen is a substance that is easily broken down by the body. There isn't much research available about collagen supplements, but some suggest that the benefits of collagen may include:

1. Promotes blood circulation

Collagen supplements can strengthen blood vessel structure and increase its elasticity. Thus, the benefits of collagen to fortify blood vessels can help increase blood flow to and from the heart. The smoother your blood circulation, the more oxygen and nutrients sent to the skin so that the appearance of your skin looks healthy, young and radiant.

2. Cure wounds and injuries

Collagen is needed to repair and rebuild connective tissue to support the development of strong muscles, skin and joints. Collagen also strengthens the structure of bones, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments. Collagen supplements can encourage muscle mass to regenerate and help you recover faster from sports injuries.

3. Relieve rheumatic pain

Rheumatism is inflammation of the joints that can cause every movement of the limbs to become painful and very limited. Collagen supplements can improve the smoothness of joint mobility and reduce pain.

4. Reducing cellulite

Cellulite occurs when fat tissue pushes up through the fibers to the top layer of the skin. The result, the appearance of the skin that looks bumpy uneven. Collagen supplements can help reduce cellulite directly from the body, serves to promote acceleration of the repair and regeneration of fibers in damaged skin.

5. Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

As we age, resulting in thinning of the body's natural collagen, fine lines and wrinkles can occur in places where the skin moves most - for example in the joints, forehead, lips, and eyes. The use of anti-aging creams and sunblock and collagen supplements can help reduce the symptoms of premature aging, including to help the healing process and repair of skin tissue.

In addition, collagen injections at the dermatologist can be used as a filler to improve facial skin contours that are loose and wrinkled due to aging, and remove superficial scars (including acne scars).

6. Improve hair health

Hair health is one of the benefits of collagen that should not be missed. Collagen is a major component in hair growth. Collagen functions against free radicals that can affect the texture, growth, and thickness of your hair.

6 Benefits of Collagen You Must Know (Not Only for the Skin)
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