Recognizing Symptoms If Your Nearest Person Potentially Suicides


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The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 1 million people die each year from suicide. Have you ever thought your friend was thinking of committing suicide? They might just joke, but who knows if they are serious. We can help you recognize warning signs of suicide and how you can help your friends.

What are the warning signs of suicide?

If your friends have thoughts about suicide or self-harm, they often express it through their writing, speech and actions. You might realize they are looking for ways to kill themselves, such as buying pills or weapons. These actions are more dangerous if your friend has mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, or problems with alcohol. People who have failed suicide attempts or have family history of suicide, these signs can become more serious and dangerous.

Signs of a more "mild" suicide attempt are feelings of despair. Your friend may look more stressed or depressed. Hopelessness can lead to suicide more easily. When people feel hopeless or have no way to get out of reality, people often think of suicide. Your friends may talk about feelings that are unbearable, a gloomy future and there is nothing they look forward to. They may feel hope and enthusiasm have disappeared. They may also be trapped in the past and blame themselves for past mistakes. If you realize it, your friends' moods often change extreme, like they were positive people but now they are depressed.

Or your friends were people who were good and easy to socialize, but now are people who are self-interested and aggressive. Your friends may have a mood swing because they lose enthusiasm in their daily activities, ignoring their depression.

What are the symptoms that can be observed if someone intends to commit suicide?

Specifically, this person will begin to experience the following signs that you can notice in their daily behavior. A person may be at risk of suicide if he:

  • express feelings of despair
  • easy to get angry
  • acting before thinking, engaging in risky activities
  • lack of awareness of the consequences
  • talking about feeling trapped somewhere
  • self-harm - including drug or alcohol abuse
  • striking increase or weight loss due to changes in appetite
  • more withdrawn
  • looks very nervous and anxious
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • have mood swings that suddenly
  • lack of awareness of the purpose of life
  • ignore appearance, lose interest in hobbies
  • arrange ownership objects, such as arranging objects or making a will.

This symptom can be seen if your friend is considering suicide. However, you might see drastic mood changes, from depression to sudden excitement. This does not mean they are improving. However, this can be a sign that they have decided to commit suicide.

How do we help?

If you suspect your friend is thinking of suicide, you need to talk to him personally. This may not be easy and requires several attempts before you can talk to him. But the only way to find out is to ask. You may have difficulty expressing it. Here are some things you can say:

  • "I'm worried about you."
  • "Lately, I've seen you change a little. Are you alright?"
  • "You're not as usual lately. Is anyone disturbing your mind? "
  • "Since when did you start feeling like this?"
  • "How can I make you better?"
  • "Have you considered seeking professional help?"
  • "You are not alone. I'm here if you need friends. "
  • "You might be desperate now, but what you feel will soon disappear."
  • "I don't know what is happening to you, but I care about you."
  • "Whenever you feel tired and want to give up, contact me."

What needs to be remembered when facing suicidal people

Talking to someone who is thinking of suicide can be a challenge. Sad and emotional feelings cover their common sense. It is important to remember a number of things when talking to the person, such as:

  • Be yourself. Tell your friends that you really care. You don't need to know the right words, but your voice and tone will show that you care.
  • Listen to your friends. Let your friends vent their feelings, however it sounds bad.
  • Give sympathy and do not judge. Calm down and be patient. Even though it's hard to hear, your friend is injured and starting to talk to you is a good sign.
  • Offer hope. Calm your friend that this feeling is only temporary and show that he means to you.
  • Don't argue with people who are thinking of suicide. Avoid arguing with your friends, because it can make them silent and can't talk to you.
  • Don't patronize. Now is not the time to tell that suicide is wrong or how meaningful life is. Your friend only needs you to listen, not to teach him.

In some cases, you may need professional help. Support your friends to get help. You can offer to go with them. Mental health professionals such as psychologists or counselors can help identify triggers for suicidal thoughts and help your friends through this.


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Recognizing Symptoms If Your Nearest Person Potentially Suicides
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