6 Easy and Effective Tips for Caring for Combination Skin


Medical Video: 5 Signs You Have Combination Skin & How to Deal with Combination Skin for Beginners | Wishtrend TV

Combination skin is a blend of two types of skin, namely dry and oily. Then it is important for you to take proper care. Incorrect treatment can actually trigger a variety of new skin problems, such as acne. If you are confused about how to treat combination skin, see the guide below.

Various ways to treat combination skin

The following are steps you can take to treat combination skin.

1. Choose a smooth and soft facial cleanser

choose facial cleanser

The earliest face care for those of you who have combination skin is to choose a gentle facial cleanser.Gentle facial cleansing products are safe for the skin because they can prevent irritation and dry scaly skin on the face.

If your combination skin is dry and oily, a water-based facial cleanser with a light texture or foam can be the right choice. If you have sun-dried skin and rosacea, lotion-based cleansers are ideal facial cleansers.

The key to treating combination skin is to use a facial cleanser that does not cause irritation and does not contain perfume.Avoid soap or facial cleanser, because the content in bar soap can clog the pores and make the skin dry.

2. Use toner to improve the skin

In many cases, combination skin tends to have a different pH balance. So, it is important to use toner after washing your face.

Avoid using toner containing alcohol, witch hazel, menthol, perfume, or orange oil. These various ingredients can make your skin drier and produce more oil.

Instead, choose toner products that have a dose of skin regeneration agent within healthy limits, such as antioxidants or composition cell communicating.

3. Use sunscreen every day

Vitamin D deficiency because of using sunscreen

How to treat this combination skin may have become a mandatory rule for all skin types. Sunscreen does not only protect your skin from sun exposure, but can also help moisturize your combination skin.

Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen, has beta hydroxy acid content, and is non-comedogenic.If you have sensitive skin and rosacea, choose a sunscreen that only contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredient.

4. Exfoliate regularly


Exfoliation functions to remove dead skin cells on the face. This procedure is often ignored. In fact, exfoliation can make the skin care series that you have done work more optimally.

Exfoliate at least twice a week to reduce oil levels and dirt on your skin. Choose the exfoliate product contains AHA (glycolic acid) and BHA (salicylic acid). AHA and BHA are acidic compounds that work to exfoliate dead skin and stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

Both are also useful for reducing wrinkles and stimulating collagen production. Both the AHA and BHA only work on the surface of the skin, not until it enters the tissues in the skin.

5. Use moisturizer

use the right facial moisturizer

Use moisturizer in the form of a cream on the dry part of the skin.If the eye area is the driest part, then use moisturizer in the form of a cream or eye serum around the face area.

Meanwhile, use moisturizer in the form of lotion for the face that is not so dry. Finally, use toner on the oily face.

Avoid creamy moisturizers in the oily part because it will make your face more oily.

6. Choose the best product

cream of doctor's concoction

Use products that contain antioxidants, ingredients cell communicating, emollients, and ingredients that can restore healthy skin structure and function.

Also make sure the products are packaged in sealed and airtight packaging seals. This packaging is useful for maintaining other sensitive components to avoid bacteria.

If there is a mild serum, lotion or gel found in the product, it is likely that this product has another function as a wrinkle smoother, so that the face looks shiny and younger.

If the dry skin on your face is very dry, you can use a serum that is rich in antioxidants and emollient moisturizers that can repair dry skin faster.

6 Easy and Effective Tips for Caring for Combination Skin
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