Benefits of Kefir Mask for Healthy Skin


Medical Video: Kefir Testimonies on how it healed my acne & rosacea!

If you are one of the followers of the current beauty trend, surely you are no stranger to many kefir masks that are starting to be in great demand. Various beauty salons to sales accounts on social media are competing to sell the kefir masked products that have a million good properties for facial skin. For those of you who are curious, let's look at the benefits and a brief explanation of the efficacy of kefir masks for healthy skin below.

What is kefir?

Kefir is a drink made from milk with a process fermentation which originally came from the Caucasus region (such as Iran, Armenia and Turkey). The initial form of kefir is in the form of granules, which is a breeding of symbiosis of yeast and bacteria. Kefir contains good bacteria and beneficial substances such as Lactobacillus lactis is good for digestion, B vitamins, vitamin K, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Benefits of kefir masks for the skin

Starting from the kefir content described above, it certainly will have an impact on the body especially the skin. Masks made from milky white kefir almost resemble yogurt and are slightly thick textured. If applied to the face it feels cold and cool on your skin.

The initial use of the kefir mask on the face will cause a momentary pain. This happens because good bacteria in the kefir content are adapted and work to remove impurities in the inner skin and outer skin. The following is the content and efficacy of a good kefir mask for facial skin:

  • Masks that contain kefir on your face will help restore and regulate the acid-base balance of the cells of the skin of the face (due to the presence of lactobacillus in kefir content). Lactobacillus can also perfectly cleanse the skin of harmful substances and dust on the skin, thus increasing the freshness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Kefir contains alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which balances the PH level of the skin, and can help reduce wrinkles and slow down the aging process.
  • Amino acids contained in kefir masks are also useful as antioxidants that are good for the skin.
  • Using a mask containing kefir for facial peeling can make dead skin cells on the face lifted so that it creates new, smoother and healthier skin.
  • Probiotic bacteria in kefir can help protect the skin against damaging UV rays that can cause premature aging of the skin and wrinkles.
  • The content of collagen in kefir produces proteins that are useful for the dermal layer of the skin. Make the skin effect smooth and elastic so that it is good for preventing wrinkles.
  • If your skin is red and easily sunburned, the probiotic content of a kefir mask can prevent the symptoms of rosacea.
  • If kefir is taken, the properties can make your body's immune system strong. Well, in kefir masks, inflammation of the skin of the face such as redness and zits will be eradicated by the kefir probiotic substance which has anti-microbial properties and can kill some bad microbes that may have symptoms of skin inflammation reappearing.
Benefits of Kefir Mask for Healthy Skin
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