Can Severe Acne Be Cured?


Medical Video: Put an End to Adult Acne

Normal acne usually appears only one or two around the forehead or cheeks. However, if it appears too much and lasts for months or even years, it's called severe acne. Can severe acne on the face heal? Why can it last for years?

How to deal with severe acne for years?

Severe acne or not judged by the extent of acne on the face, the type of zits, and how long you have experienced these severe zits. Severe acne is generally characterized by pimples that contain cysts and nodules (containing tissue and fluid). But not only that, severe acne can also be marked up to the psychological problems of people who experience these zits.

Usually, people who experience severe acne will have the psychological impact of being embarrassed to leave the house, according to information from Joshua Zeichner, MD, a dermatologist and director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.

Severe acne generally can be cured, but it can't be instant because it takes a long time. To cure severe acne, usually a dermatologist will provide a combination treatment of topical drugs and oral antibiotics.

Then according to the American Academy of Dermatology, severe acne scars may also require treatment. The doctor may suggest a procedure such as microdermabrasion to remove the damaged skin layer.

Some medicines are used to cure severe acne

Some prescription drugs used to treat acne are:

  • Antibiotics. Antibiotics can stop or inhibit bacterial growth and reduce inflammation.
  • Drug for vitamin A derivatives (retinoids). Open blackheads so that topical drugs such as antibiotics can enter the follicles. Some derivatives of vitamin A can also reduce the formation of blackheads. These drugs contain other forms of vitamin A.
  • Other drugs that can destroy bacteria and reduce oil production, and help stop and inhibit bacterial growth and inflammation.

Drinking drug combination for acne

For patients with moderate to severe acne breakouts, doctors can prescribe antibiotic drinking drugs. The antibiotics taken can control acne breakouts by limiting bacterial growth and reducing inflammation. Drinking acne medications that you should know as follows:

1. Tretinoin

Drinking acne medicine tretinoin is used to make facial pores clean, so it can prevent inflammation caused by the amount of dirt on the face. This drug also helps bring a new layer of skin, by exfoliating.

2. Isotretinoin

According to the Mayo Clinic, doctors generally prescribe isotretinoin only for treatment acne nodular which causes blushing and pain due to inflamed skin condition. This drug is also useful in reducing the amount of oil produced.

3. Bactrim

The acne bactrim drug contains trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. The two ingredients in Bactrim function to overcome various types of bacterial infections that cause this facial skin problem.

Also try several other drugs

In addition to taking prescription drugs, your doctor may also recommend that you use birth control pills to hold hormones that can trigger acne. Your doctor may recommend that you use laser therapy and photodynamic therapy (PDT) to treat acne and reduce scars.

However, doctor John E. Wolf, who is also a dermatologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, suggested that people who take acne treatment should not be lazy to check their skin condition. Some people sometimes hope that this severe acne treatment only takes a maximum of a month.

Even though Dr. Wolf believes that healing severe acne takes a total of at least 6 months. It is also helped by other treatments besides drugs such as laser therapy, eating healthy foods, using special soap and beauty products from doctors.

According to Dr. Wolf, acne is not easy to cure and requires a long treatment time. If you do not take therapy, apply doctor's advice, and do a follow-up examination, acne will not heal completely.

Can Severe Acne Be Cured?
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