CHAPTER Often Bloody? Be Careful, It Could Be A Sign Of Cancer In The Gastrointestinal tract


Medical Video: 5 Symptoms Of Colon Cancer You Should Not Ignore

Causes of bloody defecation are not just hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. Blood in the stool that you can see when you defecate can be a sign of cancer in one of the gastrointestinal organs.

Cancer of the stomach, colon cancer, and rectal cancer can be the cause of bloody bowel movements

Bloody bowel is one of the common symptoms of cancer of the digestive tract, especially if accompanied by rapid weight loss, fever, anemia and swollen lymph nodes around the neck bone.

You also need to look at the appearance of the stool. If your bowel is watery diarrhea with fresh blood, this may be a sign of gastric cancer. If the color of the blood is dark red, black, bowel cancer is the cause of your bloody bowel. Conversely, if you experience a defecation accompanied by blood and mucus, it also feels like there is a foreign body blocking the rectum (feces drainage), this may be a sign of rectal cancer.

People aged 50 years and over are a group of people most at risk of developing gastrointestinal cancer.

Not all causes of bloody defecation are cancer

Besides cancer, some of the conditions below can also be the cause of bloody bowel movements:

  • Gastric ulcer due to H. Pylori bacterial infection, or because the consumption of NSAID pain medications for too long.
  • Enlargement of veins in the esophagus. When the blood vessels rupture, bleeding can occur in very large amounts.
  • Hemorrhoids aka hemorrhoids, which occur due to damage to veins in the anus and rectum. Hemorrhoids are often experienced in people who have difficulty defecating.
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract due to bacterial infection, for example ShigellaandE. coli, or even protozoa like Entamoeba histolytica. These microscopic creatures produce poisons which then damage the digestive tract wall. As a result, you can experience foul smelling diarrhea accompanied by blood and mucus.

Tips to reduce the risk of bloody bowel movements

Here are some tips that you can do to reduce the risk of bloody bowel movements, including:

  • Try to eat lots of vegetables (especially green and yellow vegetables), fruits, and fiber-rich wheat. Fiber can help prevent and alleviate constipation because it can help facilitate the intestines to clean up the remnants of dirt that is difficult to remove.
  • Avoid cigarettes and drink alcohol. Accustomed to drinking liquor can increase the risk of colon cancer by 2-3 times, while smoking habits increase the risk of gastric cancer.
  • Eat lots of sea fish because it can reduce the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer.
  • Increase your consumption of foods high in folic acid and don't eat mostly animal fat. especially those sourced from red meat.
  • Keep your food and hands clean. Wash your hands before and after eating. Also keep your drinking water and sanitation clean. Poor sanitation can increase the risk of bacterial infection. Consumption of dirty drinking water can also increase the risk of getting an infection E. coli.
CHAPTER Often Bloody? Be Careful, It Could Be A Sign Of Cancer In The Gastrointestinal tract
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