Face Wash No Need to Always Use Face Soap


Medical Video: How to PROPERLY Wash Your Face | You've Been Doing it ALL WRONG!

Washing your face is a must-do activity, especially for those of you who wear makeup, those of you who move outdoors, or those who often sweat. However, you may have heard that facial soaps and cleansers contain harmful components that can cause damage to the skin over a long period of time, especially if you use soap that does not suit your face. What are the side effects of using soap when washing your face? What's the solution? To find the answer, let's look at some of the following information.

Why don't I have to use soap when washing my face?

Reason 1: Facial skin contains acid, while alkaline based soap (alkaline)

Your natural skin protector contains an acid coat. When the pH scale shows 7, it is neutral. Whatever is below that number is acid, while the one above is alkaline. The pH balance of our skin is between 4 and 6.5, even when the skin condition is very oily. On the other hand, soap contains alkaline which is the very opposite of our natural skin condition. So, if you use soap on your skin, it will disrupt the pH balance and the acid coat. That's what makes your facial skin condition worse. Therefore, it is best to reduce the use of soap on your face when washing your face.

Reason 2: Soap makes the skin dry

Even though your skin is very oily, it doesn't mean you have to use soap on your face. Soap strips the skin of natural oils and makes it tight and dry. If you feel that your skin is oily, you can use a facial cleanser that is specific to the condition of your skin. So, it can remove oil and dirt, but does not disturb the pH balance of the skin. Washing your face with soap that is not suitable for your face is the same as washing your face with detergent.

Reason 3: Wrong soap can damage the skin

Washing your face with the wrong product can cause your face to look dull, worn, and wrinkled. You must use a facial cleanser that is suitable for your skin and ensure that all ingredients are safely used on the condition of your face. However, if you use the wrong soap or cleanser, it will damage your skin, even though the skin looks clean.

Try washing your face using water only

What many people don't know is that the moisture on your skin doesn't come from outside. In fact, moisture naturally comes from the body. The upper layer of the skin plays the most important part of it, but when you rub your face using soap and make it foamy, the top layer of skin will die or experience damage. This is one of the main reasons why you should just wash your face with water.

Step 1: Wash your face with the right water temperature

Not all water is suitable for washing your face. Water that is too hot or too cold will make your facial skin dry. For that, you can only use warm water to wash your face using only water. The best way is to boil the water until it's cooked so that all germs die, then let stand for a while until the water temperature is lukewarm and feels comfortable to use.

Step 2: Add salt to the water

Salt is a natural antibacterial, so all kinds of dirt and bacteria that cause acne will disappear if you add it to the water to wash your face. Simply mix salt in water, then wash your face using it. It can also help in exfoliation and skin tightening.

Step 3: Apply a little olive oil to the face

You can moisturize the skin by applying two drops of olive oil to your face. Leave it for 15 minutes before you wash it with warm water. You can also leave it as long as you want if it doesn't feel sticky on the skin.

Step 4: Add sugar to water twice a week

You can also peel your skin twice a week using sugar instead of salt. Adding sugar at least twice a week can make optimal results. Just by adding a handful of sugars to the water and stirring them, then washing your face using the water, can make the skin smooth and elastic.


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Face Wash No Need to Always Use Face Soap
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