Causes of Stomach Pain in Toddlers


Medical Video: Abdominal Pain in Kids: Advice from the Pediatric Specialist at St. Louis Children's Hospital

Constipation is often cited as a cause of abdominal pain in children, but this rarely happens in smaller infants. Abdominal pain is more common in older children, especially pain in the lower abdomen. Bowel problems can occur when a child's diet lacks a lot of fluids, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fiber-rich grains.

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Much more common in children aged one to five years than younger children. Urinary tract infections cause discomfort in the stomach and bladder area, accompanied by pain and heat when urinating. Children who have UTIs can also urinate more often and even wet their bed. However, infections usually do not cause fever. If your child complains of these symptoms, check with your pediatrician for a urine test. If an infection occurs, antibiotics will be given to eliminate this infection and stomach ache.

Sore throat

This is a throat infection caused by streptococcal bacteria. This often occurs in children over two years old. Symptoms and signs are sore throat, fever, and abdominal pain. Sometimes, vomiting and headaches can also occur. The pediatrician will examine and rub the throat to check the bacteria. If the results are positive for inflammation, it needs to be treated with antibiotics.


Very rare in children under three years of age and very rare in children under five years of age. When appendicitis occurs, the first sign is pain in the middle part of the stomach, then the pain travels downward and to the right side of the abdomen.

Lead poisoning

Most often it occurs in toddlers who live in old houses (built before 1960) where lead-based paint is still allowed to be used. Children at this age may eat small pieces of paint from walls and wood. The tin is then stored in the body and can create many fatal health problems.

Parents must also be aware of toys or other products that contain dangerous lead.

Symptoms of lead poisoning are not only abdominal pain, but also constipation, irritability (fussy children, crying, hard to be happy), lethargy (drowsiness, unwillingness to play, poor appetite), and convulsions. If your child has contact with lead paint, eats pieces of paint or is exposed to cracked, chipped or broken toys and has any of the symptoms above, contact your pediatrician. He can do a blood test and advise you what other tests need to be done. That is a good step to check for lead in the body.

Milk allergy

This is a reaction to protein in milk which usually occurs in younger babies, can cause cramping in abdominal pain, often accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rashes.

Emotional disorders

Emotional disorders in school-age children sometimes cause recurrent abdominal pain that does not have a clear cause. Although this pain rarely occurs under the age of five, this can occur in children who are under the pressure of unusual stress. The main characteristic is that pain tends to come and go for more than a week, often associated with unpleasant activities. In addition, there are no other complaints found such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, lethargy or fatigue, urinary tract symptoms, sore throat, or flu symptoms. There may also be a family history of experiencing this type of disease.

In the end, your child can be more silent or noisy than usual and have difficulty expressing thoughts or feelings. If this behavior occurs, find out if something is bothering him at home or school or with siblings, siblings, or friends. Has he just lost a close friend or pet? Is it because of family death, divorce or parental separation?

Your doctor can suggest that your child talk about his problems. For example, using toys or games so that children can get out of their problems. If you need additional help, your pediatrician may direct you to a child therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Causes of Stomach Pain in Toddlers
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