This is the risk if you use too much hair pomade


Medical Video: How To Use Pomade

Although they have regularly used gel, wax, or hair pomade to arrange their manes, many men worry that this hair styling product can make them become bald for a long time. The reason is, after using the hair pomade for a long time, how come it makes more hair fall out.

This is enough to make you wonder, is the hairstyle super stylish thanks to the magic of this pomade that is really worth keeping if baldness is at stake.

Frequent use of hair pomade makes hair thinner

Pomade hair gel can leave a thick residue on the scalp if it's not rinsed clean. The combination of gel residues and natural oils produced by your hair can quickly clog the pores and cause miniaturization of hair follicles. Miniaturization of hair follicles is the process by which hair follicles begin to grow thin, weak, so that hair becomes more fragile.

But there is no need to really throw away your hair pomade now too - hair pomade does not cause hair to really fall out, let alone bald. The effect of thinning hair is only mild and temporary due to damage to hair fibers - and can be prevented / repaired - not a sign that you are starting to get bald.

Hair baldness is a condition of heredity. The process of male baldness is determined by factors such as genes, hormones, poor health. and a bad diet. Even if you are under severe stress or you have other medical conditions such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, this can speed up the process of hair loss in men (and women). But hair care products cannot make bald hair.

"Hair is a dead organ, so you can only damage it like you ruin a garment," said Iain Salis, an expert in hair loss in the UK. Telegraph. If you often blow-dry your hair at high temperatures, often curling your hair, tightening your hair, or changing hair color, this will damage hair fibers, but if you just fall asleep when the hair pomade has not been rinsed clean, the hair will not disappear completely at a later time.

Hair pomade can make your face spotty

Sleeping with whole hair pomade on the head means that there will be residual gel residue and natural hair oils that move to the fabric fibers. And as long as you sleep, it is your face that experiences direct and prolonged contact with the oily pillowcase. Dirty and oily pillowcases over time can trigger serious acne inflammation on your face.

Avoid the appearance of thinning hair and pimples on the face by treating your scalp in the right way. This means rinsing all the remaining hair pomade products before going to bed every night so that the pores of the scalp can breathe as long as you sleep well and grow healthy hair.

This is the risk if you use too much hair pomade
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