Which Is Better: Wash with Warm Water or Cold Water?


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Without your realizing it, every little thing you do when shampooing can affect hair health. One of them is to set the temperature of the water to shampoo. Do you usually wash with warm water or cold water? Apparently, experts have their own answers to what kind of water temperature is good for washing your hair and caring for your scalp. Want to know which is better? Consider the following explanation.

Plus minus shampooing with warm water

To wash and clean your hair thoroughly, warm water can be the best solution. Because, shampooing with warm water can help open the cuticles and pores on your scalp. That way oil, dead skin cells, dirt, or dandruff that accumulates and clogs on the surface of the scalp more easily decays with water.

After washing your hair with warm water, your scalp will become more moist and warm. This condition will help shampoo or conditioner You absorb into your hair and scalp better.

Even though shampooing with warm water can help cleanse the head and help absorb shampoo better, there are a number of things you need to pay attention to. If the water temperature is too hot or you wash too long, your hair's roots can be damaged quickly. The reason is, the hot temperature makes the roots of the hair become easily broken, fall out, and dry.

In addition, warm water is indeed able to lift oil on the scalp. But this means shampooing with warm water risks lifting natural oils that keep your scalp and hair well-maintained and soft.

Plus minus shampooing with cold water

Some people do prefer to wash with cold water because it feels refreshing. In addition, shampooing with cold water also offers various benefits for hair. One of them is to prevent hair loss. Cold head temperature will promote blood circulation. Blood contains nutrients and substances that are needed by cells and tissues in the scalp to maintain the strength of the hair roots. In addition to maintaining the strength of the hair roots, these nutrients are also able to care for the hair to remain smooth and naturally shiny.

However, cold water is not as good as warm water in cleaning the scalp or dust and dirt that sticks to the hair. In addition, cold water can also make hair faster and greasy faster. For those of you who have a weak type of hair, shampooing with cold water may not be the best solution.

So you should wash with warm water or cold water?

According to a chemical and beauty engineer from Stanford University in the United States, Erica Douglas, for the best results you can shampoo by utilizing different water temperatures. That is, wet dry hair with warm water to open the pores and cuticles. Then, wash your hair as usual with shampoo. However, to rinse the remaining shampoo in the hair, use cold water. This combination is good for cleaning hair from oil and dirt while keeping the scalp healthy and nutritious.

However, if you don't want to bother changing the water temperature when shampooing, you can adjust your hair type yourself to the water temperature. For those of you who have limp hair, shampooing with warm water can be a wiser choice. Whereas if your hair is dry and easy to fall off, wash your hair with cold water which can nourish the scalp more.

Which Is Better: Wash with Warm Water or Cold Water?
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