Why Fried Food Can Cough?


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For most people, when it comes to afternoon coffee it doesn't feel good if it's not accompanied by a warm fried plate. But there is one problem. Almost every time I eat Bakwan goreng, my throat feels sticky and itchy, and it coughs endlessly. Why is it, eating fried foods makes coughing?

Fried food makes coughing because of the oil

The majority of cases of cough are caused by infectious diseases such as the common cold or a number of other medical conditions (eg, asthma or bronchitis). But coughing can also be caused by foreign irritants, such as your favorite fried snacks.

Actually, the reason why eating fried foods makes coughing is not the food itself, but used cooking oil for frying. In order to save production costs, roadside fried vendors are often required to repeat the use of cooking oil until the merchandise is sold.

The repeated use of cooking oil causes acrolein formation due to the heating temperature of cooking oil that has exceeded the smoke point. Acrolein is a compound that is responsible for triggering inflammation in the throat that causes excruciating itching. And basically, coughing is a general human reflex that serves to cleanse the throat and respiratory pathways from foreign particles, microbes, pollution, mucus, and irritants.

Frying is also often fried dry and has a rough texture, which can irritate your throat wall. In addition, fatty and oily foods are harder for the body to digest so they might suppress your immune process - which can worsen throat inflammation. This is where the assumption of eating fried foods makes cough come from.

But be aware, coughing after eating fried foods can be a sign of rising stomach acid

Frying is not a direct cause of coughing, but only acts as a risk factor that makes you more prone to experience it.

However, the upper part of the digestive system and your breathing stretches through the throat and shares the same nerve pathway. As a result, eating activities can directly or indirectly stimulate coughing after eating. Increased stomach acid, swallowing disorders, and food allergies are one possible cause of why you cough after eating fried foods.

The stomach acid that rises to the top can irritate the esophagus and trigger coughing because the nerve pathways are used together between the esophagus and lungs. Some stomach contents can go up far enough to reach the throat to enter the upper airway of the lungs. This then triggers inflammation in the airways so that it stimulates the cough reflex. Especially in people who have GERD and asthma, gastric acid reflux can trigger airway constriction, which leads to coughing and wheezing after eating.

Why Fried Food Can Cough?
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