Have been taking birth control pills for a long time but why don't I have menstruation again?


Medical Video: Birth Control Pills

For most women, the side effects of birth control pills make them menstruate more and more often. This is because the medicine works and continues to stimulate the uterus to always decay. However, a handful of other women have never received monthly visitors even though they have been using birth control pills for quite a long time. Why have you been taking kb pills for a long time but not menstruating constantly? Or is this precisely the sign that you have been pregnant?

Side effects of birth control pills last for approximately 3 months

Birth control pills work by entering different hormones into your body. This change in hormone levels causes the menstrual cycle to become irregular as before.

Well, the side effects of birth control pills that appear in one woman can be different from the others. That is why there is menstruation that becomes more frequent, there are those whose blood comes out more and longer, and there are also those who don't menstruate at all.

Types of birth control pills called seasonal ingredients pills cause menstruating women only 4 times a year, aka menses only every 3 months.

This change in the mens schedule is still normal until a certain time limit. Side effects of birth control pills in the menstrual cycle will usually last for approximately 3 months from the consumption of the first pill.

Then, if you have been taking birth control pills for a long time but not menstruating, is this normal?

Is this a sign of being pregnant?

Why have you taken kb pills for a long time but didn't have menstruation too?

In addition to the normal side effects, there are several other factors that can make you not menstruate even though you have been using birth control pills for a long time. Among other things you may need to consult your doctor immediately.

1. Stress

Irregular menstruation during using KB may be an impact of hormonal imbalances due to stress. Stress will disrupt the production of hormones throughout the body, including menstrual trigger hormones, namely estrogen.

A decrease in estrogen levels replaced by an increase in the stress hormone cortisol will inhibit the ovulation process in your body. That is, your menstruation becomes delayed.

In some cases, stress can cause menstruation to stop altogether.

2. The weight dropped dramatically

There are some women who gain weight due to taking birth control pills. These side effects might make some of them decide to go on extreme diets to lose weight.

Drastic weight loss can reduce the body's metabolic work. If your metabolism is slow, your body will have difficulty managing a regular schedule for your menstrual cycle in the future. Because, lack of calories can prevent the production of the hormone estrogen needed for ovulation.

In fact, the increase in body weight that occurs is not from fat, but the weight of water.

3. Excessive exercise

Excessive exercise can cause excessive stress on the body. In addition, exercise too heavy can also disrupt hormone levels, causing you to not menstruate even though you regularly take birth control pills.

Especially if not followed by adequate nutritional intake. When the body's fat levels drop to below 20 percent, your menstrual cycle becomes chaotic.

4. Certain diseases

Some diseases can cause the patient to stop. The most common disease is polycystic ovary syndrome, aka PCOS.

Could it be because I conceded pregnancy?

Birth control pills are an effective method of contraception, but not always so.

You can still get pregnant while taking birth control pills. This might happen usually because the dosage dose is not right, is not compliant with the drink schedule, or because the pill itself does not work because it interacts with other drug substances that you take together.

However, conceding pregnancy while taking birth control pills is a rare case. If you suspect that you are pregnant, find out the general characteristics of pregnancy. To be more sure, check with test pack or check with your doctor as soon as possible.

If you have taken birth control pills for a long time but not menstruation and pregnancy is not the cause, your doctor will do additional tests to find out the real cause and treatment options for you.

Have been taking birth control pills for a long time but why don't I have menstruation again?
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