If you want to get pregnant sooner, why should you abstain from fast food?


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Not everyone can easily have offspring. There are some couples who need an extra struggle to have it. This is most likely due to fertility factors and in some cases, lack of knowledge about sex and conception. Research shows that eating too much fast food (fast food) such as burgers, fried chicken or fried potatoes can inhibit the fertility of women who want to have children quickly. Why? Find out the answer in the following review.

Fast food can inhibit the chance of having children quickly

ASA causes infertility

Every day the body needs nutrients, both carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and other minerals so that all organs of the body can work normally. So whatever you eat will affect your health, including fertility. If you are waiting for a pregnancy, you need to pay attention to what foods you consume. One way to avoid eating fast food. What is the connection between fast food and fertility?

Reporting from Healthline, a study conducted by the Robinson Research Institute at Adelaide University, Australia examined 5,600 women who were trying to get pregnant for the first time. Of the total, there are 8% of women who are indeed infertile. They need one more year to get pregnant.

Then, the number of infertile women increased from 8% to 12% because they only ate fruit several times a month. Meanwhile, the number increases higher so around 16% if they often eat fast food. In this study, what was meant was frequent eatingfast foodis four meals a week.

Researchers agree that fast food is high in sugar, salt, and saturated fats that can change metabolism. In addition, these substances can also flow with blood and affect the quality of the egg.

Fast food also decreases insulin sensitivity which can cause ovulation (the release of the egg to the uterus) becomes irregular. Eating fast food in the long term can interfere with health, which indirectly can adversely affect women's fertility.

In order to have children quickly, you have to change fast food with healthy food

fruits and vegetables

To optimize fertility so that you have children quickly, you must maintain food intake. Prioritize eating balanced nutrition by limiting processed foods and instant food. Don't forget to multiply fruits and vegetables and healthy sources of fat and protein. Some of the following foods contain nutrients prepared before pregnancy and help increase fertility, such as:

Various kinds of citrus fruits

Various types of citrus fruit are the best sources for vitamin C. In addition, there are potassium, calcium, folate, vitamin B which greatly helps the body to ovulate more regularly and maintain healthy egg cells. You should at least consume citrus fruits every day, for example one medium-sized red grapefruit or three medium-sized oranges.

Dark green leafy vegetables

Spinach, kale, mustard greens, bok choy, and other dark leafy vegetables contain calcium, iron, and folate. Nutrition is very important for your body when you plan to get pregnant, especially iron which stimulates the production of red blood cells that prevent anemia. Anemia can disrupt the fetus's fertilization process.


Avocados contain healthy fatty acids, vitamin K and potassium which help the body absorb nutrients from other foods while maintaining hormonal balance. The content of folate in avocados helps develop the baby later, so it must be fulfilled before the pregnancy.


Nuts have high fiber, vitamin B, folate, and iron. All of these nutrients can affect estrogen levels in the body and increase blood supply to the uterus.

However, also pay attention to how to process it. For example, choose beans that are roasted or fried in olive oil without added salt. You can add nuts to oatmeal, yogurt or salad. Avoid packaging beans that are high in sugar, salt, and tend to not contain fatty acids.

Healthy source of protein

Fish is the best source of protein besides meat and poultry. In addition, fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids and DHA which are very important for developing the fetus. You can get benefits from salmon and tuna.

If you want to get pregnant sooner, why should you abstain from fast food?
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