Tips for Planning a Pregnancy After Sentencing Infertility


Medical Video: Top 5 Tips when Planning a Baby - Do I have Infertility? (Hindi) | By Gynaecologist Dr. Mukesh Gupta

"Congratulations! You are pregnant ... "A short sentence that surprises and brings good news of course. After months, or maybe years of being convicted of infertility, eventually you can be declared pregnant by a doctor. So, what should be prepared and known to face this first pregnancy? Find out more in this article.

Infertility is different from being barren

Many people who think that infertility is the same as barren. In fact, this is not the case. Infertility can occur in men and women. Infertility is a condition that makes you unable to have children.

Men are said to be infertile if they cannot produce sperm, or can produce sperm, but the quality is poor. Because the quality of the sperm is bad, it is unable to fertilize the eggs of women. Well, women are said to be barren if their ovaries cannot release eggs so that the eggs cannot be fertilized by sperm.

While infertility is a condition where you have had sexual intercourse for 1 year without contraception but have not been able to get pregnant or have children. The good news, infertility is still possible to have children, but of course with more effort. For example with drugs, therapy, or surgery. The cause of a person experiencing varied infertility, can be due to hormonal disorders, abnormalities in the cervix, fallopian tube damage, pelvic adhesions, due to cancer treatment, or certain other conditions.

Things that must be prepared for pregnancy after previously convicted of infertility

Getting the news of the pregnancy that has been awaited and anticipated is indeed very pleasant. After going through various struggles, finally you and your partner will soon be the arrival of the baby. Here are some things you can prepare and pay attention to during your first pregnancy.

1. Regular consultation with the obstetrician

Just like pregnancy in general, you should routinely consult a gynecologist to ensure the condition of the fetus and your health are in good condition. This is also done for those of you who may have to undergo fertility treatments such as IUI or IVF.

However, if you have experienced a history of recurrent miscarriages, preterm labor, and medical problems (i.e. diabetes, hypertension), you can consult a fermaternal specialist for high-risk pregnant women.

2. Applying a healthy lifestyle

Basically not only during pregnancy, in everyday life applying a healthy lifestyle is a must. Meet balanced nutritional intake of vegetables and fruit. As additional nutritional intake, you can take pregnancy vitamins containing folic acid with omega 3 supplements to help improve fetal health. Stop consuming alcohol and smoking during pregnancy.

If your condition allows and the doctor allows it, try to exercise light intensity several times a week such as walking, swimming, pregnancy exercises, or yoga. In addition to making the body more fit, the sport also helps control excess weight gain during pregnancy. Don't forget to get enough sleep and avoid stress as much as possible.

3. Complete the vaccine before becoming pregnant

To plan a healthy pregnancy, both for you and your prospective baby, immediately complete the list of vaccines needed before becoming pregnant. One of them is the Zika vaccine.

Avoid going on vacation to areas where the Zika virus is still actively spreading. Because, Zika is the cause of serious pregnancy complications that are very real. Do not forget to consult your doctor first to ensure your health and the fetus.

In addition, you should order your holiday ticket before your womb reaches the third trimester, because at the age of the womb you must prepare yourself for childbirth.

Tips for Planning a Pregnancy After Sentencing Infertility
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