5 Tips for Running Faster and Not Easily Tired


Medical Video: 5 Tips to Instantly Run Faster

How often do you feel that you can't move your legs after running 3 kilometers? Makes you even more inexhaustible how can Usain Bolt run so casually while still smiling broadly.

We all want instant results, but many of us realize that change takes time. Indeed, you cannot immediately become the world's fastest runner in five minutes, but you can increase your running speed right now.

"The aim of increasing running speed," said professional marathon runner Stephanie Rothstein-Bruce, reported from Daily Burn, "It is to run more efficiently and as much as possible to mobilize as little energy as you can."

Faster running speed starts from the right running posture

1. Sprint with toes facing the sky

"In general, people run by placing their feet flat on the ground so that the toes are pointing forward too long," said Matthew Uohara, MS, CSCS, from Hale Inu Strength and Conditioning, quoted from Men’s Health.

Keeping your toes pointing straight ahead actually limits your steps, because you need more time to pedal through the movement, and your legs feel heavier. You also lose the extension on the opposite leg - the extension is a movement to straighten - so you can't use your butt muscle to its maximum capacity.

Then, land with the front foot with a quick but soft slap. This movement forces the hips and pelvis to push your body more efficiently without having to waste as much energy if you land slowly and hard. The analysis also showed that even on hard surfaces, barefoot runners that hit land with their front legs produced smaller impact strength than those who landed at the heel heel.

2. Swing your hands as tightly as possible

Come on, who of you is used to running while swinging your arms across to the opposite side of your body? "This way of running focuses on exerting your arms, which forces your hips to fight your running movements instead of throwing you forward," Rothstein-Bruce said.

If you do it right, the hand swing can really give a speed boost. Fist the hand with the thumb position in the fist to tense the upper arm muscle. Then, "The most important step in encouraging a hand swing is how hard you are swing your hand back, "Uohara said. There are two things that happen as long as you do this: First, you get elastic help from the chest muscle and the anterior aspect of the shoulder, which means you will pour less effort. Second, you tend to shorten the swing on the front side, making the transition faster.

Rothstein-Bruce recommends training this posture by practicing sitting (the position of the foot treads on the floor 90 degrees) and try swinging your arm backward like you are pounding a drum.

3. Leg position like clockwork

For a perfect running posture, imagine someone pulling your hair back while keeping your chest posture leaning slightly forward. Keep the body straight and the waist not bent, so that all parts remain in line. In this position, you will avoid bending your shoulders into your body and bowing further, which makes it much harder for you to breathe properly and put extra pressure on your neck. You will also run easier and not get tired because you have gravity help.

Meanwhile, your feet should move like clockwork (Imagine climbing a 12-hour cycle on a wall clock with a bicycle stroke movement. That's where this clock will be in relation to your body.) When you run, lift your feet up in the direction of 12 o'clock , push down in the direction of 3 o'clock, land to the ground directly below your body in the direction of 6 o'clock, then swing your legs back towards 9 o'clock behind your body. This circular motion mimicking the movement of the clock allows quick turnover.

But, don't let your legs swing backwards. Kick up as high as possible to the buttocks, like a piston. This jerk generates energy and reposition your feet faster for the next step.

4. Change your running speed

Running as hard as you can is not the key to a faster run. It may sound strange, but actually running slower can help you increase your running speed.

To train your run, start running with relaxed and light steps, not too fast. Increase your running speed gradually to the level you want. If you start too fast, you risk running out of gas at the start of your trip, and your feet feel more painful afterwards.

Pro runners suggest mixing your running speed by running slowly (not jogging), running fast, and running fast on your chosen track at least once a week. This aims to train the endurance of the heart, lungs and muscles together to become a more efficient sprinter.

5. Adjust breath

Align your footsteps with your breath, not vice versa. This will allow you to run faster and more efficiently, as well as be a guide who will tell you if you run too hard or not hard enough. Everyone can find their own breath rhythm, but for example, use the breath technique in two sequences: two steps in one breath, two steps for one breath.

Which must be remembered when going to run

1. Wait three hours after a big meal before running

The body's digestive system does not work instantaneously to process a large plate of rice and side dishes that you devour just now to make it energy. If you really need to run right now, choose foods that are easily absorbed by the body, such as bananas, two spoons of peanut butter or honey, or a handful of dried fruits.

2. Drink a pint of water 90 minutes before running

Drink at least a pint of water one and a half hours before you start running to prevent dehydration. Bring a drinking bottle with you while running to maintain optimal body fluid intake to prevent leg cramps, especially in hot weather.

3. Clear your mind

Maybe after reading the five techniques above, it will be quite difficult for you to empty your mind. But, a number of studies have consistently shown that making conscious changes while running actually inhibits your running speed. The reason is that it forces you to think about your movements, which increases brain activity. By continuing to work hard, your body will be able to "memorize" all the running techniques out of the head, which allow you to empty your mind and run in autopilot mode.

4. Take a hot shower afterwards

Stand under a hot shower or take a relaxing soak in the hot tub after running, if possible. Soaking the feet will warm the muscles and relax the muscle group back to normal.

5. Don't forget to cool down

After three to five minutes of cooling jogging, stretch thoroughly. Do not continue to do other powerful physical activities, or consequently you can walk with concrete feet all day long. Make a simple stretch to cool the body, which allows the release of lactic acid (a by-product made by your muscles) absorbed into your bloodstream and eliminated from your body.

Lift the vertical leg to support the wall by lying on your back for 3-4 minutes. This will drain the blood in the legs back to the heart, so you will be supplied by fresh blood flow when you get up. You can do this after cooling or after taking a warm bath.

5 Tips for Running Faster and Not Easily Tired
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