7 Secrets to Forming Muscles in Just One Week


Medical Video: Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for BEGINNERS

For most men, having a muscular body is a matter of pride. Apart from implying a healthy body, muscles also increase a man's confidence. Therefore, many men find out various ways to form muscles that are correct, effective, and only require a short amount of time. However, Doug Kalman, R.D., director of nutrition at the Miami Research Center stated that you cannot get muscle mass just eat and exercise carelessly. Here's the full review.

How to form muscles within one week

Here are various ways to build muscles that you can practice at home:

1. Maximize protein consumption

animal protein and vegetable protein

Protein is one of the important ingredients to build muscle. But unfortunately, not all the protein you eat will be used to build muscle. The body also needs protein for other things such as producing hormones.

So, you must maximize daily protein intake if you want to build muscle in a fast time. Because, building and storing new proteins is much faster than the process of breaking up old proteins. Also, try not to reduce your calorie intake every day.

According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) guidelines, you should supply daily protein as much as 12 to 15 percent of your daily calorie count. While the remaining 55 to 60 percent is carbohydrate and 25 to 30 percent is fat. Eat protein-rich foods such as soybeans, almonds, lentils, spinach, peas, cheese, chicken breast, eggs, and also milk.

2. Train the biggest muscles

If you are a beginner, almost all exercises can help increase protein formation. However, if you have started weight training before, focus on large groups of muscles such as the chest, back and legs.

Then, add some other exercises such as squats, deadlifts, pull ups, bench presses, dips, and bent over rows so that muscle formation is more effective.

Try to start by doing two or three training sessions for six to 12 times with 30 to 60 seconds of rest between sessions. In addition, help the body to build muscle by reducing cardio exercise.

3. Take a protein-carbohydrate combination before exercise

body weight rises carbohydrate replacement protein

A 2001 study at the University of Texas found that consuming drinks containing protein and carbohydrates can increase the formation of muscle proteins.

Exercise can increase blood flow to all body tissues. So, drinking protein and carbohydrates before exercise can make absorption of amino acids in the muscles bigger. Try to consume a combination of 20 grams of protein and 35 grams of carbohydrates 30 to 60 minutes before you exercise.

4. Give a break after the exercise

help sleep

After you do hard training for a whole day, try to take the time to rest the next day. Research shows that body resistance training that is hard enough can increase the protein formation process for up to 48 hours after the training session ends.

Muscles will begin to grow and form when you are resting. For that, try to rest with enough sleep the next day.

5. Eat carbohydrates after exercise

the benefits of carbohydrates

In order to quickly recover after exercise, the body needs enough carbohydrates. If the carbohydrate intake in the body is sufficient, the body does not need to take back up the protein from the muscle to be used as energy. So this will not reduce muscle mass.

In addition, eating foods that contain carbohydrates after exercise can also increase insulin levels so that it can slow down the process of protein breakdown by the body.

6. Eat every three hours

eating patterns when fasting

You need to eat frequently so the body can continue to make new proteins. You can divide your daily needs into six different schedules. Make sure to consume at least 20 grams of protein every three hours so that the formation can continue to run.

7. Eat a carbohydrate-protein combination before bed

low carbohydrate diet; low carbohydrate foods

The combination of protein and carbohydrates is also good if taken 30 minutes before going to bed. That way, as long as you sleep later, the body will rely on carbohydrates that have been entered as the main energy source and do not break down protein for energy.

In addition, you can also consume casein protein which will be digested longer by the body and become the right type of protein to build muscle when you sleep.

7 Secrets to Forming Muscles in Just One Week
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