Often Ignored, Jaw Pain Can Be A Symptoms Of A Heart Attack In Women


Medical Video: 5 Common Signs of Heart Disease

When a heart attack comes, what is felt by women is different from what is felt by men. Symptoms of a heart attack in men are usually easier to detect. For example chest pain, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, until fainting. On the other hand, most symptoms of a heart attack in women tend to be vague and even have nothing to do with the heart. One of them is marked by a jaw that does not heal.

What does the jaw have to do with symptoms of a heart attack?

cause of heart disease

If all this time you have understood the symptoms of a common heart attack, such as pain in the chest or left arm to faint, you also need to know the signs of a heart attack that is often missed. Especially for women, a sign of a heart attack is often mistaken for other minor ailments, one of which is a jaw pain.

Heart attacks occur when oxygen-rich blood flow cannot enter the heart muscle so the heart does not get oxygen. If this is not immediately treated, the heart muscles will be damaged slowly and trigger a heart attack.

When the heart's work is disrupted, the surrounding organs will also be affected. It's not just pain around the heart, it can also cause jaw pain. Why is that?

The nerves in the chest and heart are connected to the neck and jaw. When the heart nerve is disrupted, the nerves that are connected to the neck and jaw will also be problematic.

Jaw pain from a heart attack is usually felt in the lower left jaw. However, the severity can vary from person to person. Some experience severe jaw pain, others only feel an uncomfortable sensation in the jaw.

How to distinguish a sick jaw from a heart attack and what isn't

disruption of temporomandibular jaw joints

It may seem a little difficult to tell which jaw is due to a heart attack and which is not. However, at least you can try by moving your jaw section.

First, move your jaw to the right and left. If after getting moved the pain gets worse, then the jaw pain that you feel is not caused by a heart attack.

Jaw pain can also be caused due to disruption of the jaw joint. This jaw joint serves to talk, chew, or yawn. So, if you feel a jaw hurt while eating, then this is definitely not caused by a heart attack.

Easy, jaw pain due to a heart attack occurs without cause and does not heal. This is also usually accompanied by other heart attack symptoms.

How do you deal with jaw ache from a heart attack?

Source: Greensboro Dentist

Even though you have pocketed information about jaw pain, you may still be confused about which ones include symptoms of a heart attack and which ones are not and how to overcome them.

As a first aid, try compressing with ice cubes for 10 minutes to help reduce jaw pain. If the pain does not decrease, then it's time for you to consult a doctor to determine the cause.

Tell your doctor about how severe your jaw is, how long your jaw hurts, and whether there are other symptoms that accompany it. If accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, vomiting, until fainting, then you most likely experience symptoms of a heart attack.

Often Ignored, Jaw Pain Can Be A Symptoms Of A Heart Attack In Women
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