CrossFit for Beginners: Here's How to Do It


Medical Video: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Crossfit

For the sake of achieving the dream body - slim but not too thin, muscular but not muscular like a bodybuilder, athletic, strong, and agile - most people will turn to Crossfit, the most popular sports trend today. CrossFit is a sports program that was originally developed specifically for the military and police apparatus that offers a comprehensive set of exercises from the elements of cardio, weight lifting, gymnastics, strength, and endurance to prepare the body for unexpected situations.

Crossfit routines are usually done in a special and grouped place, in the form of a large, spacious warehouse with different routines every day. But, you can also do it without having to bother going to the gym - in the comfort of your home or in the nearest city park, without tools and without having to smell the sweaty smell of other people.

These 5 body resistance exercises below are beginner-friendly but can still spur you to work better.

Workout of The Day (WOD) 1

Duration: do as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes

  • Burpee - 10 repetitions (1 set)
  • Bodyweight Squat - 20 repetitions (1 set)
  • Sit-ups - 30 repetitions (1 set)

Complete as many rounds as you can in ten minutes. Try not to rest between changing sets. Note how many rounds you have reached today so you can use them as a comparison for other times.

Workout of The Day (WOD) 2

Duration: 4 rounds, complete as fast as you can

  • Run 400 meters
  • Squat - 50 repetitions (1 set)

Before starting to run, calculate the distance from the starting point to the end of the run. Bookmark. There will be a tendency to delay your run or squat. Avoid this and try to continue. It's okay to run a little stroked as soon as you change from the squat position, just keep on going until the body regains its balance. Run as fast as possible with the targetfinish line in your mind.

Once you return to the squat position after running, don't waste time - it's better to be sick first, and then rest. Record your time to set a record next time.

Workout of The Day (WOD) 3

Duration: as many rounds as you can in 3 minutes; followed by 2 minutes of rest between rounds

  • Sit-ups - 15 repetitions (1 set)
  • Lunges - 15 repetitions (1 set)

Workout of The Day (WOD) 4

Duration: 15 minutes to do as many rounds as you can

  • Squat gun (changing legs) - 10 repetitions (1 set)
  • Pull-up - 10 repetitions (1 set)
  • Box Jump - 10 repetitions (1 set)
  • Push-ups - 10 repetitions (1 set)
  • Sit-ups - 10 repetitions (1 set)

A squat gun can be quite difficult to conquer for those of you who are beginners, but you can work around it with a wall or other sturdy support. If you have no way or facility to do pull-ups, leave this set and continue the remaining four sets. Fifteen minutes can feel like hundreds of years if you start very fast. Set the speed from the start so you can keep moving for 15 minutes.

Workout of The Day (WOD) 5

Duration: 20 minutes, as many rounds as you can

  • Pull-up - 5 repetitions (1 set)
  • Push-ups - 10 repetitions (1 set)
  • Squat - 15 repetitions (1 set)

Try not to rest between changing sets. Record your time to set a record next time.

How many times a week do you need CrossFit?

CrossFit "forces" you to complete all exercises in as little time as possible. This means that you will often be in a situation where you use 110% of your effort to complete one routine, exhaust yourself, and force yourself to endure pain (but don't ignore the acute pain). Generally, do crossfit 4-5 times a week; but don't exercise more than 3 consecutive days. Most importantly, don't ignore signals from your body, for example when unusual pain starts to eat away at you.


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CrossFit for Beginners: Here's How to Do It
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