Cryotherapy, a New Innovation to Lose Weight. Is it Effective?


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There are many ways to lose weight from diet to exercise. Along with the times, more and more various treatments for slimming are emerging, one of them is cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is cold therapy, which is said to help cut excess weight. However, how effective?

Overview of cryotherapy


Cryotherapy or cryotherapy is cold therapy, in which the body will be placed in a very cold room for several minutes. At least, for two to four minutes the body will be in a very low temperature device, which is around -93 to -148 degrees Celsius.

But not only the whole body, cryotherapy can also be done on certain body parts. For local cryotherapy, which is on certain body parts, the treatment can be given in several ways such as ice bags, ice massage, ice baths, and cooling sprays.

Usually, this therapy will be very effective if done regularly and has various health benefits such as relieving muscle aches to reduce migraine symptoms.

Actually, cryotherapy is a method that has been found for quite a long time, which is around the 1970s in Japan. At that time, cryotherapy was a cold therapy that was specifically designed to help overcome rheumatic diseases.

However, along with the development of technology and health sciences, this cold therapy is said to be sufficiently reliable to cut excess weight.

Can cryotherapy help you lose weight?

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Some studies show that being in the cold for long periods of time can help reduce your weight. According to Quebbemann, M.D., director of a weight loss clinic, The N.E.W. Programs in the United States state that in cold temperatures, the body works by increasing the temperature in the body either by shivering or other processes that help burn calories.

For example, in a study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, people who spent two hours per day for six weeks in a room at 17.2 degrees Celsius proved to burn more energy than people who spent time in a room with temperature. hotter.

Meanwhile, in another study it was found that people who slept in rooms with a temperature of 19 degrees Celsius, burning fat in their bodies increased by 42 percent and experienced an increase in body metabolism by 10 percent.

However, the results of the objects of this study did not experience changes in body composition. In addition, fat levels and metabolism return to normal after they stop sleeping in a cold room.

Basically, Quebbeman stated that there is no scientific evidence that proves that cold therapy with cryotherapy can permanently lose weight.

In fact, studies published in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity state that cryotherapy carried out for six months and combined with aerobic exercise does not even bring any changes to the body mass and fat of the research object.

Side effects of cryotherapy


However, if you are curious and want to keep trying it, consult your doctor first. Although classified as safe if done under expert supervision but cold therapy this one still has side effects. Numbness, tingling, redness, and skin irritation are usually the most common side effects that are temporary.

In quite rare cases, death and injury can also occur as a result of cryotherapy. According to data from the Dallas Observer, a woman filed a lawsuit after suffering from frostbite which was quite serious about completing this therapy.

John Hoekman, CEO and owner Quick Cryo in New York, stating that frostbite is the heaviest risk that can occur due to cryotherapy. However, this can be avoided if you do it in a special studio and use the right equipment and limit the time to no more than two to three minutes. In addition, you should also not sleep when the session lasts to not exceed the deadline.

In addition, cryotherapy is not recommended for people who have diabetes, severe high blood pressure, health problems that affect the nerves, children and pregnant women.

Cryotherapy, a New Innovation to Lose Weight. Is it Effective?
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