Morning Sports or Night Sports, Which Is Better?


Medical Video: Morning vs Evening | Best Time of Day to Workout

Solid activities at school, on campus, or in the office, sometimes make our time to exercise a little. In fact, at least the time for adults to exercise is 150 minutes in five days or about 30 minutes a day.

Many people suspect that the healthiest exercise is when there is exposure to the morning sun, because it gives our body lots of vitamin D, besides because the air in the morning is also fresher. But, what if there is no time to exercise in the morning, and the time we have only at night?

Benefits of morning exercise

Professor of Applied Sports Science, Lara Carlson, Ph.D. from the University of New England, said morning exercise has benefits for those of you who want to lose weight or improve health.

As quoted, Lara said exercise in the morning is beneficial to increase daily physical activity.

"In addition, it also revitalizes the body's metabolism, so that the calories in the body will burn more. Even blood pressure can be more stable and your hours of sleep at night can be better, "said Lara.

Morning exercise also helps you to form more consistent exercise habits, according to Cedric Bryant, PhD from the American Council on Exercise. But Bryant also recommends that you warm up longer because your body temperature is relatively lower in the morning.

Benefits of evening exercise or night sports

Nighttime exercise, according to Laura, benefits from increasing enzyme activity and muscle function, and helps relax the body after a day of work.

In theory, according to health expert Dr. Michael Triangto, SpKO, night sports are more effective for muscle formation.Michael also explained, exercise at night can help sleep problems such as insomnia. "As long as it is done correctly and the intensity is in accordance with our body's capacity. "The body will be dehydrated and we will find it difficult to sleep if the exercise is excessive," Michael said.

Which is healthier?

In the end, all will return to the benefits you want to get yourself. Want it at night or in the morning, depending on you. According toAmerican Heart Association, ultimately all will depend on four things:

  • location
  • time
  • type of sport
  • social settings, for example whether you exercise alone or with friends

If you are not someone who can get up early every day, maybe exercise in the afternoon or evening will be better for you. That way, you don't just turn off the alarm every morning and your exercise plan is only a discourse. If you like to exercise alone, then choose a time or place where you can exercise alone. Vice versa. Basically, exercise will be beneficial if you can do it consistently with routine. Therefore, choose a time where you can do it consistently easily.

Which must be considered if you prefer night sports

Sports specialist Andi Kurniawan told, if you do not have time to do morning exercise, actually afternoon exercise to night is not a problem for health.

"Those who do not have time to exercise in the morning, have only had time for the night, will be much better than those who do not exercise at all. Now, right, there are many who run night sports in Senayan. That's not a problem, really, "Andi said.

Even though it's okay to exercise at night, Andi recommends not exercising too late, because it can disrupt sleep and affect the quality of your sleep. When you finish exercising too, you should not go straight to sleep Give a time interval of 1-1.5 hours between the time of exercise and your sleep.

When exercising at night, don't forget to also warm up. When finished, we still need to do cooling and stretching, don't go straight to sleep.

In principle, whether in the morning or evening, when exercising do not exceed the limits of the body's abilities and conditions. If you are not used to exercise, start exercising by doing mild physical activity.

Morning Sports or Night Sports, Which Is Better?
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