4 ways to get up from depression after losing a baby


Medical Video: The Grieving Process: Coping with Death

Losing is something everyone is afraid of. When losing someone who is still alive, it feels heartbreaking. Especially with losing someone due to death? Not infrequently the grief makes a person become depressed and stressed. Especially when you have to lose the baby you just looked forward to.

Guilt haunts, the thought of 'if only' was reluctant to stop. Feelings of sadness, shock, disappointment, anger, anxiety, depression, and weakness are felt together. You may feel hopeless now. The long-coveted dream must be returned again. It feels the world is indeed unfair. Even the question arises, ‘Why should I? Maybe, right now you are also looking for answers about what is wrong with you. Sometimes we look for reasons to blame.

Feelings of sadness are natural. It feels like it can't when the grief occurs. The grief of losing the baby you are waiting for will indeed make your chest ache, like there is a heavy burden. In addition, there is a tickle in the stomach caused by feelings of anxiety. When you don't want to do something, you may experience depression. What should be done to rise from depression after losing a baby?

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What are some ways to rise from depression after losing a baby?

Here are some ways you can make peace with your grief and hurt:

1. Receive all feelings that arise

Your feelings may change in one day, even in one hour. You may feel angry and jealous of a friend who has had a successful pregnancy and can be with her baby until now. You may also feel like a woman is failing to raise a baby properly.

Not intended to judge, but these feelings are natural things experienced by people who are grieving. Many people blame themselves and feel guilty about what happened. You must not feel alone.

There is a time when you can laugh again, but the grief of loss returns. Sometimes, it comes to mind that you have no right to feel happy, because you failed to save your baby. Besides learning to accept feelings of sadness, you also need to accept feelings of happiness. If you limit yourself to feeling happy, it will isolate yourself. What is needed is support to get up and continue to live. Let sincere people help you through this suffering.

2. Give yourself time

When you really can't feel comforted, don't force yourself to stop feeling sad. The grief may never disappear, there are some parents who experience flashbacks of their baby's birth date.

Maybe you will need a short time to return to normal life. However, try to slowly bring a little part of yourself to feel ‘everything will be fine. ' Over time these feelings will become real. When you are ready, you can try having a child again.

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3. Don't miss kisses and hugs with your partner

Your partner may grieve in a different way. Women tend to show their feelings and try to find friends to talk to. Whereas men prefer to keep their feelings and make peace in their own way. Grief can make a distance between you and your partner.

It feels difficult to support a partner, when you yourself need support. When a husband doesn't show grief, don't assume he doesn't care about your baby. That will only add to your mind. The best way is to try to talk to each other, so that sadness feels lighter for both of you.

Losing a baby may also bring changes to your relationship. There are couples who can continue to have sex to make each other comfortable, but there are also those who feel numb and worried that a future pregnancy will occur. Your partner may want another baby, but you are not ready. Don't immediately assume negative, all you need is to talk to him. No matter how bad your feelings are, try not to miss kisses and hugs. Physical contact can help the body produce the hormone of love. These hormones are good for reducing your sadness and stress.

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4. Follow the community

You can find people who have experienced things you have experienced. Try to find discussion forums on the internet or in the real world, who share the same experience. Maybe it feels really hurt when talking about your sadness with other people. But you certainly don't expect what you get, how support your friends, relatives, and people you have just met will strengthen your heart. To avoid comments from people who don't know the real problem, it's better to talk to the best listeners.

4 ways to get up from depression after losing a baby
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