Ketogenic Diet, The Right Way to Prevent Symptoms of Recurrent Epilepsy


Medical Video: What to know about the ketogenic diet for epilepsy

The ketogenic diet, aka the keto diet, is loved by many people because it is considered effective in pouring body fat in a fast time. In fact, the keto diet in particular is only intended as a natural epilepsy drug for people who have symptoms of epilepsy. MWhy do people with epilepsy need a keto diet? How can the ketogenic diet prevent recurrence of seizures?

The ketogenic diet pattern can be used as a natural epilepsy drug

Epilepsy or what is known by the public as ayan, is a chronic disease characterized by repeated seizures spontaneously in the absence of specific triggers. Epileptic seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, which causes disruption of signals in the nervous system.

Since it was first designed in the 1920s, the ketogenic diet has been deliberately applied to people who have epilepsy. This diet low in carbohydrates and high in fat can overcome and even stop the symptoms of seizures that relapse in children with epilepsy. Keto dietdesigned so that someone only relies on fat intake as the body's main energy source, not carbohydrates.

If the consumption of normal fat is around 20-30%, the ketogenic diet recommends fat intake of 60-70% with the aim of making the body enter ketosis. Under normal circumstances, ketosis occurs when a person does not consume carbo or consumes very little carbohydrate. Lack of carbohydrates makes glucose levels drop so that the body begins to break down fat to be used as energy. This process then produces ketones. The more fat is used, the more ketones are produced.

It is not yet clear why the ketogenic diet can be used as a natural epilepsy drug to stop seizures.However, experts state that the results of ketone substances produced can help normalize the brain's electrical activity.Therefore, people who have epilepsy are encouraged to increase fat intake and limit carbohydrates - so that carbohydrates do not become the main energy source.

How effective is the ketogenic diet for people with epilepsy?

In various studies, the ketogenic diet is quite effective in reducing even completely eliminating the symptoms of seizures in children with epilepsy. One study found that the incidence of seizures was reduced in 50% of children with epilepsy who were respondents at the time. Meanwhile, the other 10-15% have been free from the symptoms of epileptic seizures that can suddenly appear.Usually, this diet is only applied if the administration of epilepsy from a doctor cannot overcome or reduce symptoms of seizures.

But until now the ketogenic diet is only recommended to be applied to pediatric patients. The keto diet as an alternative to epilepsy drugs is rarely "prescribed" for adults,considering this diet must be done with discipline and strict. However, a study states that this diet is also as effective if done in adult patients.

the benefits of the dangers of a healthy ketogenic keto diet

Tips for undergoing a ketogenic diet for people who have symptoms of epileptic seizures

The ketogenic diet is applied to epilepsy patients with a ratio of fat to carbohydrates of 2: 1 to 4: 1, and done in stages. This number must be adjusted to the needs of each child. Usually, the most commonly used ratio is 3: 1, which is 3 grams of fat and 1 gram of carbohydrate.

In normal circumstances, only about 25-40% of fat is needed per day. Meanwhile, in children who have epilepsy, giving fat in a day can reach 80-90% of their needs.

How to apply it? Of course, because of low carbohydrates, staple foods such as rice, corn, or potatoes, are no longer in the food menu. Instead, children with epilepsy will be given full-fat side dishes.

The application of this diet should be carried out under the supervision of a nutritionist, because the calculation of nutrients on this diet must be done properly.

Side effects of the ketogenic diet in patients with epilepsy

Because not eating a balanced diet, side effects are very likely to occur in epilepsy patients. Some things that can happen like:

  • Constipation
  • Body weight does not rise, or even lose weight
  • Have high blood cholesterol levels
  • At risk for kidney stones
  • At risk of having more fragile bones

To avoid all these side effects, you should discuss them and discuss further with the doctor who handles your child.

Ketogenic Diet, The Right Way to Prevent Symptoms of Recurrent Epilepsy
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