5 Causes of Your Weight Not Also Down After Childbirth


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Some of you may be afraid of getting pregnant for fear of losing their body shape. Most women after pregnancy will have a larger body shape than before pregnancy. Yes, for many women, losing weight after pregnancy may be a very difficult thing. Then, why is this a difficult thing?

Cause You have difficulty losing weight after becoming pregnant

The ability of a mother to lose weight after giving birth may be different. There are mothers who quickly get their ideal body weight back as before pregnancy. However, there are also mothers who need years to lose weight. In fact, some even have weight that continues to grow after pregnancy and eventually become obese.

Losing weight is not an easy thing. You have to work hard to get your weight back. Think about it, have you reduced your food intake and exercised regularly for several months after giving birth?

Some things that might make it difficult for you to lose weight after pregnancy are:

1. Stress and fatigue

Both of these are commonly experienced by new parents in the first months after birth. Stress and fatigue can trigger you to eat more so you save more extra calories in the body. This certainly makes you more difficult to lose weight.

2. Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation can also cause stress and fatigue. This can then disrupt hormone levels in the body that maintain appetite.

Stress in the body can also cause the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) to increase. This then results in the inability of the mother's body to metabolize calories efficiently. Thus, the body's metabolism is slower which allows more fat to accumulate in the body. Cortisol levels in the body can also increase if you exercise too much.

3. Rarely exercise

Rarely do sports make the calories that enter the body unused and eventually accumulate in the body, causing weight gain. This also drives your body's metabolism to slow down. Metabolism also slows down as you age. All of these things can cause your weight to go down and increase.

4. Fat reserves after giving birth

The mother's body stores fat reserves before giving birth to prepare energy during breastfeeding. This fat reserve may not be easy to lose, especially for those of you who don't breastfeed exclusively.

According to La Leche League International, nursing mothers can reduce 6-7 kg per month in the first four to six months after giving birth, and after that weight loss may be slower. Meanwhile, mothers who give formula milk to their children may find it more difficult to eliminate these fat reserves and lose weight.

In addition, mothers tend to maintain weight gain from each pregnancy. So, the more you get pregnant and the more weight you gain during pregnancy, the more difficult it is for you to lose your weight as before.

5. Change of body after giving birth

You may feel your body shape change after giving birth. Many mothers complain that their stomachs have not returned to normal after one to two years after giving birth. This can be caused by changes in your abdominal muscles after giving birth.

Some women are genetically susceptible to it stretch marks and saggy skin. This may be reduced, but it may not disappear completely. Your skin will lose its elasticity after giving birth and as you get older. In order not to get worse, you might need to do regular exercise, like sit-ups. If not, you may find it harder to restore your abdominal muscles to firmness.

In addition to regular exercise, you also need to manage your diet well and get enough sleep to help reduce your weight after giving birth. Avoid excessive diets and excessive exercise because it can make your body stress and can cause your body's metabolism to slow down.

5 Causes of Your Weight Not Also Down After Childbirth
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