4 Skin Problems That Are Commonly Commonly Acne (Though Not)


Medical Video: Acne | Nucleus Health

Acne is one of the most common skin problems. Everyone has at least once had pimples on his face. But so generally, many people mistakenly think that the red nodule on their face is just normal facial acne - even though it might be more serious than that. There are several skin problems that cause acne-like symptoms. What are the skin problems?

Various skin problems that are thought to be facial acne, but not

1. Pitisporum folliculitis

Pitisporum folliculitis is a fungal skin infection that causes irritated and inflamed hair follicles. This skin condition shows symptoms similar to that ordinary facial acne. Pitisporum folliculitis can be experienced by men and women because almost everyone has yeast on their skin. However, only a few will experience this follicular irritation.

Usually, yeast is found on the part of the skin that has high oil content, such as on the back and face. Well, when oil levels increase, yeast will grow and multiply. Then, the yeast will release pus and close the oil glands. This is what most people think of as facial acne.

2. Gram negative folliculitis

In contrast to pitisporum folliculitis, irritation of hair follicles is caused by gram negative bacteria. So, this bacterial infection often occurs in patients who use antibiotics in the long term to treat rosacea.

Oral antibiotics used for a long time, will cause normal bacterial changes to the skin. This then makes the bacteria grow and eventually infect. Symptoms of infections that appear will be like acne.

3. Perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis is a skin problem that causes symptoms of red pimples that are almost like facial acne. These skin problems often appear around the mouth. This skin irritation occurs a lot due to the use of steroid creams for a long time.

Steroid creams, which are usually used as acne medications, if used for a long time can cause perioral dermatitis. Usually, if this happens, the dermatologist will replace your steroid cream and give antibiotics to treat the dermatitis.

4. Ingrown hair (ingrown hair)

Ingrown hair is a condition of hair that grows into the skin, not outside the skin. When these hairs grow into the skin, small lumps, skin irritation, and a little pain will usually arise. Chronic ingrown hair can cause keloids to darken the skin.

For men, this skin problem will be like facial acne because it is more common in the beard and chin. Usually, this skin problem will appear after you shave fine hair.

4 Skin Problems That Are Commonly Commonly Acne (Though Not)
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