6 Right Jutsu Still Live Exclusive ASI for Working Mothers


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In general, working mothers in Indonesia qualify for maternity leave for three months without having to worry about their work. For some, however, financial reasons or personal choices require them to return to work early. Whether you return to your body just a few weeks after your baby is born or a month or two later, you may wonder if you can continue breastfeeding or not.

The answer is yes, of course - although it is certainly more difficult in certain situations. Read on to find out about easy ways to continue exclusive breastfeeding while you work.

Tips for breastfeeding Exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers

1. Understand your rights as a working mother

Legally, you have the right to breastfeed (if you take your baby to work) and / or pump at work.

Female workers / laborers whose children are still breastfeeding should be given the right opportunity to breastfeed their child if it has to be done during work time. "(Article 83 of Law No. 13/2003)

But not all bosses may realize your rights, so you may still have to fight for your breastfeeding rights.

Talk about your breastfeeding plan with your boss long before you return to work, even before your baby is born, advises experts. Don't be afraid to mention that you will need a private and clean area - with a door that has a lock - where you can pump your milk. If you do not have your own office space, ask if you can use your supervisor's room for certain times, or if you can have access to a corner that is closed, clean and clutter free. And also ask where you can store temporary milk stocks.

If you feel any objections from the company, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, quoted from WebMD, suggests asking your obstetrician to write a short statement for your boss; quote the health benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby. Your doctor may also want to specify what your needs are during breastfeeding - such as a clean, private environment - and offer some suggestions on how this condition can be easily facilitated in your workplace.

2. Use an electric breast milk pump

If you return to work with an exclusive breastfeeding baby (not eating solid food), pumping during the day is quite important. Don't choose an ASI pump that is cheap. Buy the best version you can. Use an electric breastmilk pump that allows you to pump both breasts at the same time to save a few precious minutes each time you pump.

About two weeks before you plan to go back to work, learn about each auto parts function and how your ASI works. Read how to use it carefully - the best source of information for how to put the pump together, how to get the best results from pumping, and how to clean it. You can also find useful tips about maximizing the amount of milk that you can pump.

Once you have a tool, make sure you make a routine that doesn't stress you (at least not too).

3. Create a breastfeeding / pumping milk schedule

Work can be very demanding - and annoying! - and before you know it, you've missed the pumping session. This can cause swelling (mastitis) in the short term and a reduced supply of breast milk in the long term.

If you have Microsoft Outlook or another calendar program, it is important to make a reminder for each pumping schedule. In this way, you know you have been "billed" at the time, coworkers know that you are busy with other schedules, and you are more likely to keep up with the schedule.

Drink a few glasses of water just before pumping. Feed your baby in the morning before you leave for work and pump as soon as you arrive at the office. In the morning you will have more milk and you will tend to postpone it after you are involved in an office project. Because your breasts produce milk continuously, you will still have enough milk to eat your baby's first morning even if you pump a few ounces before he wakes up.

You may need to pump two to three times each day to make enough milk for your baby while he is with your caregiver. Research shows that breastfeeding infants between 1-6 months drink an average of 2-4 ounces per one meal. As your baby gets older, your milk will change according to your baby's needs. So, your baby will still get the nutrition he needs from the same level of total ounces at the age of 9 months as he got at the age of 3 months.

4. Store in the freezer

Before leaving for work, pump and store a small supply of breast milk in the freezer. You will feel more confident and you will tend to worry about pumping enough milk for your baby while you are away.

Frozen breast milk loses some protective enzymes and antibodies present in fresh milk. However, refrigerated breast milk still has more antibodies and more appropriate nutrition for babies than formula milk, so it's safe and okay to give your baby milk stock a little, especially if you can't pump a lot in a few days. You can store milk in the freezer for between six and 12 months, and can be immediately given to the baby within eight days of pumping. Be sure to label the milk bottle with your name and what date and time you pump milk.

Breast milk is also safely stored at room temperature (between 19 and 26 degrees Celsius) for six to eight hours. If the situation requires you to pump breast milk in the office and give it immediately to your baby at home, you can send a bottle of milk stored in a small cooler to the house with the help of an online courier.

5. Wear clothes that are easy to open

Wear clothes that are easy to open or remove because you will be busy opening and closing clothes several times a day. Avoid fabrics that easily show stains like silk; Dark or patterned tops are a good idea. Ready to have a scarf or scarf in your hand to cover your chest if your office feels cold.

To facilitate pumping, wear a nursing bra. This type of bra allows you to pump "loose hands" - without having to hold the bottle - so you are still able to do other things at the same time.

You can make your own nursing bra using a used sports bra and slice a hole big enough for the pump shield to fit so you can do compression. Homemade bras work just as well as bras pumping the market - also cheaper.

Save changing clothes such as bras, tops, and spare breast pads in the office for supplies during an emergency (read: ASI is leaking).

6. Prepare the night before

Prepare and pack all the breastmilk pumping equipment you need the night before: clean pumping devices, coolers to store stock of dairy milk, brushes for washing bottles and pumps, clean milk bottles, spare nursing bras, wet and dry tissues, and breastfeeding supplements optional). You also want to bring a manual hand pump for backup.

Don't forget to also prepare a separate baby bag for your baby's equipment if you take it to the office, to a daycare center, or to your caretaker. Be ready to stock milk in the refrigerator to eat babies at home while you work in the office.


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6 Right Jutsu Still Live Exclusive ASI for Working Mothers
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