Why is the sound of men heavier and more bass than the voice of women?


Medical Video: Why Do Men Have Deeper Voices?

When you talk on the phone with an unknown person, you can certainly guess what the person's gender is only from his voice. Likewise when you hear a song. You may know immediately whether the singer is a man or a woman. Human voice is unique and predictable sex. Unlike animals, right?

However, how far is the difference between the voices of women and men? How does a person's sex determine the characteristic or character of his voice? See the full explanation below.

How is the human voice produced?

Basically, the human voice is produced from the air that is in your body. Well, the process of producing human voice is divided into three main stages.

The first stage starts when the lungs pump air out into the vocal cords located in your throat. The second stage is when the air passes through the vocal cords. Because there is a vocal cords, the air that passes also vibrates. The process of vibration of the air by the vocal cords produces sound.

However, this sound will not become a sound if it does not go through the last stage, namely articulation. Articulation occurs when the sound is converted into a clear sound through movement of the mouth, tongue, or inner cheek.

How much difference are the voices of women and men?

According to experts, the difference between female and male voices is mathematically not very different. However, because since childhood humans have been accustomed to distinguishing between a man's voice and which woman's voice, you also become very sensitive to differences in female and male voices.

In fact, the sound frequency of men is in the range of 65 to 260 Hertz. While the sound frequency of women is recorded in the range of 100 to 525 Hertz. This means that men and women with sound frequencies of 100 to 260 Hertz should be difficult to distinguish if only heard from the sound.

Why are the voices of women and men different?

If the human voice is basically in a frequency whose difference is not so far away, then what makes the sounds of women and men sound different? Here is the answer.

Tone of voice

Human or tone of voice pitch determined by the shape and pressure on your vocal cords. The pressure of the vocal cords is controlled by the laryngeal muscles. Well, the greater the pressure on the larynx, the more vibration it produces. The faster the vibration, the higher the tone of your voice.

Well, women do have the shape and vibration of vocal cords that can make them produce high-pitched sounds. Whereas in men, a slower vibration makes it produce a sound with a low tone.


Various hormones in your body play an important role in many things. One of them is the human voice. Because, a number of studies have shown that men with high testosterone levels have lower pitches.

The same can be observed in women. A hormonal balance will affect whether your vocal cords and throat are dry or quite moist. In addition, hormones become one of the determinants of the strength of the laryngeal and lung muscles to pump air into sound.

Because the balance of hormones in male and female bodies is different, the character of the sound produced is also different.

Why is the sound of men heavier and more bass than the voice of women?
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