When Should You Have Sex After C-section?


Medical Video: When can I have sex after delivery with a C-Section or vaginal?

Caesarean section is a method of labor that is usually used as a last resort for a woman in the process of giving birth. Until now there are still many people who misunderstand and assume that those who give birth by cesarean can have sexual intercourse after childbirth faster because they do not have trauma in the vaginal area. But this is not right.

After a caesarean section, when can a woman return to sex?

In fact, after giving birth caesarean, you need about 6 weeks after passing the phase postpartum to be able to get back in touch with a partner. This is because in that period the cervix or uterus is closed, and the bleeding that occurs after childbirth has stopped.

In addition, the former surgical suture has begun to heal as a whole. This bleeding will occur in all mothers who give birth either normally or caesarean.

What must be considered when having sex after a caesarean section

Cesarean delivery is done in an unusual way because it involves surgery on the stomach and uterine wall. This operation is usually performed under epidural or spinal anesthesia, where the lower part of the body is numb.

The operation takes around 40-50 minutes or can be faster during an emergency. Therefore, women who give birth by caesarean section takes a long time to get back into sexual intercourse.

The following things are of concern when deciding to have sexual intercourse after giving birth by caesarean section

1. Consider position

You and your partner should consider the position of intercourse that does not burden the abdomen, such as a sideways position or positionwhich involves penetration from the back to avoid direct contact with the scars of the surgery.

2. Enjoyment when dealing

Postpartum will result in a change in hormonal balance in the mother which will cause the vagina to feel dry because the secretion production decreases. This of course will slightly reduce pleasure when dealing.

3. Perform foreplay

Do it foreplay or warming up before starting to deal with such as kissing, hugging, touching, or other things that can arouse sexual arousal.

4. Kegel exercises

In addition, the recommended thing for postpartum women when they want to have sex is to do Kegel exercises to tighten the sagging vaginal muscles.

5. Minimizing pain

For women, don't forget to let your partner know what you feel when having sexual relations so that they together provide comfort and reduce the pain that is felt. You can also reduce pain during sexual intercourse by urinating first, taking a warm bath, or taking painkillers.

6. Use ice cubes

If you experience inflammation after intercourse, stick ice cubes wrapped in small towels to areas that have inflammation.

7. Consult a doctor

If You have a seemingly unnatural problem such as prolonged pain, always feeling sick, or having abnormal bleeding during sexual intercourse you always feel pain, immediately consult a doctor for further handling.

When Should You Have Sex After C-section?
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