3 of the best natural ingredients to eradicate stubborn hair lice


Medical Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Get Rid of Super Lice

Head lice can attack anyone indiscriminately. Even more annoying, head lice can be very difficult to eradicate even though they have washed their hair using an anti-shampoo shampoo. Moreover, not everyone is compatible with chemical ingredients that can cause sensitive skin or even cause allergic reactions.Alternatively, you can use these natural ingredients to get rid of head lice.

Choice of natural ingredients for removing head lice

Basically, these natural ingredients aim to make lice weak because "you can't breathe" so you can just comb it with a comb to clean the scalp. What can you use?

1. Herb tea tree oil and pure coconut oil

Danielle Fisher MD, FAAP, chair of pediatrics at Providence Saint John Health Center, California, recommends using tea tree oil as a natural way to get rid of head lice. However, Fisher also recommends that you use several other mixed ingredients, such as virgin coconut oil or olive oil.

Use both oil mixture by rubbing it all over the scalp and hair roots evenly. It is recommended to use this herb for 2 to 3 times a week to get maximum results.

2. Use petroleum jelly

If you are among those who are allergic or sensitive to coconut oil and tea tree oil, you can use petroleum oil as a safer alternative to kill head lice.

How to use it simply by applying jelly to the scalp that feels itchy or has lice. After that, let stand a few minutes. To rinse it, you need to scrub the scalp a little harder because petroleum jelly is rather difficult to remove.It may take 2 to 3 times to wash to clean the remaining petroleum jelly on the head.

3. Mayonnaise

Quoted from RD, mayonnes are made from a mixture of vinegar, eggs, and oil. You can use mayonnaise to get rid of head lice in your head. You do this by applying the sauce to all parts of the scalp to the hair. After that, cover the hair with a shower cap or plastic shower cap for one night. It's better to do before your bedtime. In the morning, comb your hair with a flea comb until the mayonnaise is clean, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

3 of the best natural ingredients to eradicate stubborn hair lice
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