4 Healthy Nutrients Contained in Chicken Ampela


Medical Video: Ginseng Chicken Soup (Samgyetang:삼계탕)

Viscera is delicious eaten in the menu of soup, soup, or fried snacks. For the Indonesian people themselves, innards such as chicken gizzard are often processed into delicious food. However, this food is more often feared because it has high cholesterol levels. So, does the chicken gizzard only contain cholesterol? What about other nutrients? Find out the facts about chicken gizzard in this article.

Nutrient content in chicken gizzard

The types of food from innards usually contain high purine compounds. The innards themselves are another name for the internal organs of cut animals that can be eaten by humans, including chickens, ducks, goats, and cows. The internal organs in question can be the brain, liver, thymus gland, pancreas, and kidneys.

Well, there are many parts of chicken that you can eat, one of which is the ampela. This section is usually 'package' with the heart and heart. Most people also sell it in one package, chicken liver and gizzard. What are the nutrients contained in chicken ampela? Here's the review.

1. Low fat and low sodium

Just like other chicken parts, chicken gizzard has a lot of nutrients and also a very delicious taste, not only contains cholesterol. Chicken gizzard actually has a low fat and also low sodium content because every serving of 4 ounces of chicken gizzard only contains 2.34 grams of fat, 78 milligrams of sodium and 107 calories.

2. Iron

Not only that, chicken gizzard has a very high iron content. In every 4 ounces of chicken gizzard contains almost 3 milligrams of iron. This number is more than 35 percent of the recommended amount for men and women aged over 51 years, and the number is almost 16 percent of the amount recommended for women under the age of 51 years.

The Institute of Medicine recommends between 8 and 18 milligrams of iron per day for adult men and women. Iron is needed to produce blood cells and hemoglobin and myoglobin, two proteins that function to carry oxygen throughout your body.

3. Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Niacin is better known as vitamin B3. What is the importance of vitamin B3? Niacin or vitamin B3 helps you maintain healthy hair, skin, liver and eyes while supporting your immune system. Recommended daily intake of vitamin B3 is 16 milligrams for adult men, 14 milligrams for adult women, 18 milligrams for pregnant women and 17 milligrams for breastfeeding women.

Every 4 ounces of chicken gizzard, containing 4 milligrams of niacin, this number almost meets 23 percent and 30 percent of the nutritional adequacy rates for adult men and women.

4. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Riboflavin or commonly known as vitamin B2 acts as a natural antioxidant that can protect your body from damage caused by free radicals. In every 4 ounces of gizzard contains 0.262 milligrams of riboflavin. Recommended daily riboflavin intake is 1.3 milligrams for men, 1.1 milligrams for women, 1.4 milligrams for pregnant women and 1.6 milligrams for breastfeeding women.

The danger of eating too much chicken ampela

Remember, you still have to limit your consumption of innards to mini portions or less than 85 g once a month. Chicken ampela also contains 272 milligrams of cholesterol, this figure is almost close to the maximum amount of cholesterol intake recommended by the American Heart Association, which is 300 milligrams per day. For adults with a history of heart disease, the recommended intake is 200 milligrams per day.

4 Healthy Nutrients Contained in Chicken Ampela
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