5 Benefits of Edamame Nuts You Don't Know


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Does Edamame beans sound strange to your ears? You are a vegetarian, you must be very familiar with soybeans. If you're guessing, are edamame beans the same as soybeans, you're not entirely wrong. In terms of health, the benefits of edamame beans are not playing games. Even edamame beans are very influential for your heart health. Check out the reviews in this article.

What are edamame beans?

If you've ever eaten in Japanese restaurants, you might have found a dish of green beans for guests. The green beans are edamame beans.

Edamame is different from peas, because edamame stuff is like soybeans, but it is green. In Indonesia these beans are often referred to as soybeans from Japan, even though edamame is actually from China. Edamame may look like ordinary peanuts, but the protein content in it is much more.

You can get edamame beans in the supermarket, frozen, whether or not in the skin. For one small bowl of edamame, there are 16.86 grams of protein. This is what makes edamame can replace eggs and meat, in terms of protein intake.

In addition, edamame is the only type of vegetable in the world that has 9 types of essential amino acids. In one portion of edamame it also contains 10% of the daily intake of iron and vitamin C, 8% of the daily intake of vitamin A, and 8.1 grams of fiber (more than 4 sheets of whole wheat bread). One portion of edamame contains only 189 calories. Edamame beans taste sweet with a smooth texture.

Benefits of edamame beans for health

Apparently there are many benefits of edamame beans, especially for your health. Don't hesitate to consume it to increase your nutritional needs.

1. Increase endurance

Edamame beans contain high levels of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that are useful for increasing your immune system. If you are diligent in eating edamame beans, you can avoid the effects of bad weather these days which can affect your immune system.

2. Prevent hypertension and heart disease

These beans are also useful to prevent you from heart disease to high blood pressure. The antioxidant content in nuts can actively destroy the accumulated fat in the body which triggers heart disease and high blood pressure. These nuts are also efficacious as anti-inflammatory substances so that the feeling of pain, pain, and aches from inflammation can be cured quickly when you eat these beans.

3. Reducing the risk of cancer

The content of isoflavin in edamame beans is also effective in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer. Isoflavin is a compound that also plays a role in enhancing the human immune system as a deterrent to cancer cells.

4. Speed ​​up the blood clotting process

The high vitamin K content is very useful to speed up the blood clotting process. This is very good for those of you who are at risk of frequent falls and abrasions on the skin to relieve it quickly. Edamame beans also serve to prevent osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease.

5. Good for the digestive system

Edamame beans contain high fiber content so that they can improve the performance of the digestive system in humans. This is very good for those of you who are doing a diet program. Not only that, the complex carbohydrate content of peanuts provides more benefits to provide a longer feeling of fullness, so you can suppress the desire to eat in large portions.

5 Benefits of Edamame Nuts You Don't Know
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