5 Benefits of Soybeans for Health: From Preventing Diabetes to Breast Cancer This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


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Soybeans are a type of beans that are rich in essential nutrients. Starting from protein, fiber, omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, to phytoestrogens. So, it's no wonder that soybeans can offer a myriad of healthy benefits for the body. What are the foods made from soybeans and the benefits of soy for health? Here's the full explanation.

Various benefits of soy for health

Summarized from various studies throughout the world, routine consumption of soybeans or processed products can provide a variety of precise benefits below.

1. Maintain heart health

According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, consuming soybeans every day can reduce up to 12.9 percent levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. The results of similar studies were also successfully proven by a team of experts from the American Heart Association.

Keeping cholesterol levels normal can reduce your risk of having a heart attack, stroke, and other heart disease. The efficacy of soybeans in maintaining healthy blood vessels and the heart will be felt more if you begin to replace the consumption of animal protein such as meat with soy protein.

2. Relieves menopausal symptoms

In the Menopause scientific journal in 2010, it was proven that eating foods from soybeans on a regular basis was able to relieve the symptoms or changes in the body experienced by women during menopause. Especially the problem of the body becomes hot and easily sweats (hot flashes), especially at night.

This is because soybeans contain isoflavones, which are natural phytoestrogens which will act like estrogen in a woman's body. During menopause, the production of the hormone estrogen will drop dramatically so you experience symptoms such as hot flash. So, consuming soy can help relieve menopausal symptoms due to lack of estrogen.

3. Reducing the risk of breast cancer

Because soybeans contain phytoestrogens that are similar to the hormone estrogen, the body no longer needs to produce more estrogen. Estrogen itself if excessive levels can turn on cancer cells in the breast. So, eating foods from soybeans can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

This fact was successfully noted by experts in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This study also proves that the risk of breast cancer can be reduced by 60 percent if you regularly eat soybeans.

4. Improve memory and brain function

The benefits of soybeans that are not less important are improving memory and brain function. The study, conducted by a team of experts from the University of California San Diego, School of Medicine, showed that soybeans can prevent senility or reduced thinking ability due to age. Because, soybeans contain omega-6 fatty acids that are good for brain and nerve health.

5. Lowering blood sugar and good for diabetics

Consumption of soy can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A recent analysis in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined 24 studies on soybean and diabetes relationships. As a result, foods containing soybeans are more effective in reducing fasting blood sugar, which is one way to control diabetes.

Types of food from soybeans

It's easy to get a variety of foods or drinks from soybeans. Here are some examples of food sources made from soybeans.

1. Tofu and tempeh

This fermented soybean processed food must have been so familiar to the tongue. Besides being high in protein and fiber, tofu and tempeh are also rich in probiotics. Probiotics can increase levels of good bacteria in your intestines.

2. Ketchup

Both sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, and English soy sauce are both made from soybean juice. You can add soy sauce to the dishes served at home to get various benefits of soy for health.

3. Snacks containing soybeans

If you want to find a source of soybeans that is practical but still healthy, choose snacks processed soybeans that are high in fiber and protein like SOYJOY. SOYJOY is a snack made from whole soybeans so that it is slowly digested by the body. With snacking SOYJOY, You can snack at the same time stool the stomach longer because these snacks are high in fiber and protein.

Snacking SOYJOY two hours before meals can help you limit and reduce the portion of the carbo and control your appetite. You also will not often consume excess carbohydrates or calories when eating large.

4. Soy milk

Soy milk is a good source of protein and vitamin B for health. Compared to cow's milk, soy milk is also lower in fat and can be an alternative for those of you who have lactose intolerance.

5 Benefits of Soybeans for Health: From Preventing Diabetes to Breast Cancer This is a sponsored article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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