5 Most Diseases in Indonesia, According to BPJS Claim Data


Medical Video: Fenomena Unik tentang rokok ~ Ustadz Zainal Abidin

In this age of advanced technology, more and more people are becoming sick due to lack of movement. The diseases that arise are mostly non-communicable diseases related to metabolism in the body. Reported by Jawa Pos, based on BPJS patient claim data, non-communicable diseases are a major problem for Indonesians, although there is also an infectious disease that is still mushrooming in Indonesia. So, what are the most diseases in Indonesia? See below.

1. Hypertension

prevent hypertension high blood pressure

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the most claimed diseases in all directions in health services in Indonesia. Hypertension is also called a silent killer, because it is often asymptomatic.

The sufferer does not realize that he has hypertension. When complications occur, people usually just come to the hospital or see a doctor.

The cause of hypertension is uncertain. However, there are several factors that are at risk of triggering hypertension. Starting from age, weight, drinking alcohol and smoking, lack of physical activity, and high sodium intake in daily food.

To prevent hypertension, routine blood pressure checks are the most effective way to monitor your blood pressure.

2. Stroke

You might have guessed that strokes are among the most common diseases in Indonesia. Stroke is a condition of disruption of the blood supply to the brain. When this happens, the brain does not get enough oxygen and nutrients so the brain cells begin to die. There are several risk factors that cause stroke, namely:

  • More weight and obesity
  • Age above 55 years
  • Have a family history of stroke
  • Inactive lifestyle
  • Frequently smoke and drink alcohol

The signs of someone having a stroke that you should be aware of are:

  • Talk is not clear or raved
  • Headache
  • Numbness or can't move parts of the face, arms, or legs especially on one side of the body
  • Vision problems in one or both eyes
  • Difficulty walking or moving your feet

3. Heart failure

heart failure due to lack of vitamin D

Heart failure is a condition when the heart valve cannot pump blood throughout the body properly. Heart failure does not mean your heart stops working as a whole, but the condition when the heart works weakens so it is not optimal.

This heart failure often occurs in the elderly, but as time goes by many young adults also experience this heart disorder. Because anyone can experience it, heart failure is also one of the most common diseases in Indonesia.

Signs of someone experiencing heart failure are shortness of breath after strenuous activity, feeling tired faster, swollen ankles, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat.

The causes of heart failure are:

  • Coronary heart disease, a condition when the arteries in the heart are blocked.
  • High blood pressure, this condition can add tension to the heart so that over time it causes heart failure.
  • Cardiomyopathy, the disruption of the work of the heart muscle.

Conditions such as anemia, alcoholism, overactive thyroid, and lack of physical activity so that overweight can also trigger heart failure

4. Diabetes

type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic or chronic metabolic disorder caused by the pancreas that does not produce enough of the hormone insulin or cannot use insulin that is produced effectively.

Diabetes is also called silent killer, because it's often not realized. Diabetes is caused by a variety of things, from genetic or hereditary factors, weight, sedentary behavior (lack of movement), age, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

If the condition of diabetes is not treated properly, there will be a variety of more severe complications. Starting from heart and blood vessel disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, and nerve foot damage.

5. TB

TB myth

In addition to metabolic diseases or non-communicable diseases above, infection is also one of the most common diseases in Indonesia. This is one of the most claimed diseases by BPJS users in various hospitals in Indonesia.

Reporting from CNN, Indonesia is still listed as one of the countries with a high burden of Tuberculosis (Tb). Dr. Anung Sugihantono, M.Kes. said that people with weak immune systems are usually easily infected with this TB infection.

Tb is caused by a bacterium named Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most often affects the lungs. This Tb bacteria can spread from person to person through the air.

When people with pulmonary tuberculosis cough, sneeze and spit, Tb germs will come out in the form of very small water particles (droplet) into the air. A person who breathes the air can experience a Tb infection. Even so, Tb is actually a disease that can be cured and can be prevented.

5 Most Diseases in Indonesia, According to BPJS Claim Data
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