5 Causes of Pain When Having Sex


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Sex is often considered a pleasant and satisfying experience. However, the reality is not always what you think. There may be times when pain during sex can damage all pleasure and make you both fail to reach climax. Nearly 3 out of 4 women in the world experience pain during sex occasionally during their lives. Complaints of pain during sex are not a problem in bed which is only limited to women, because many men also report natural pain during sex.

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However, do not underestimate this pain. "Pain is the body's way of telling you that something is wrong. This is a sign to pause to find out what's happening, "said Debra Herbenick, PhD, a sexual health researcher at Indiana University in Bloomington, reported by Prevention.

What causes pain during sex?

Pain during sex, or afterwards, can be caused by various things. Review the reasons below to see if they describe your current health condition or you can discuss your suspicions with your doctor, if you are not sure what the source of your pain is.

1. Stress and other psychological problems

From day to day, you have 1001 daily tasks and obligations that you need to complete. And it turns out, without realizing it, all this stress and anxiety can be a third party in your bedroom harmony. If stress is left to accumulate, the body's performance will also be disrupted so that it can cause various kinds of physical, psychological, and emotional problems - one of which is a painful sex complaint.

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Solution: Eliminate stress before starting to make love, for example by giving each other a romantic massage, yoga, meditation, or a relaxed romantic dinner.

2. Your illness is bad

A number of genital infections can make lovemaking sessions uncomfortable. The most common are genital herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, canker sores, chlamydia, and yeast infections. Pain during sex in women may be a sign of gynecological problems, such as menopause, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammation, or endometriosis.

In addition, urinary tract infections (UTI) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are other causes of pain during lovemaking that many people may rarely realize. If you have general IBS symptoms - intestinal cramps, cyclic constipation, and / or diarrhea - in addition to your bed complaints, they may be related to each other. The burning sensation originating from a UTI can also cause discomfort during sex.

Solution: Check with a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. If you complain of pain during sex, unusual discharge, itching, or pain around your genitals, your doctor can recommend you to undergo a sexually transmitted disease test.

3. Problems with the genitals

Women can experience pain during or after sex, both in the vagina or deeper in the pelvic area. Vaginal pain can be caused by vaginismus, a condition in which the vaginal muscles close tightly, making penetration painful or impossible.

Men can also have this same problem. If the foreskin is tight, penetration can be painful, as the foreskin is pushed back - called phimosis. When the foreskin is stuck behind the head of the penis and cannot be pulled forward. This is called paraphimosis. Conditions such as hypospadias, priapism, Peyronie's disease, prostatitis, or even just microscopic wounds in the penis can be the cause of painful sexual intercourse. In addition, the penis can become very sensitive after orgasm and ejaculation, which can make the next round of sex painful.

In some cases, discomfort during penetration is the result of an allergic reaction due to vaginal / penis fluids, spermicide lubricants, latex condoms or products such as soap and shampoo can also be other causes of pain complaints during sex. In that case, soap or cream is laden with fragrances and chemicals causing inflammation and itching of your genitals.

Solution: consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. If allergies are the cause, you may be able to use a condom to prevent skin from coming in contact with genital fluid.

5. Lack of lubrication and foreplay

You can go straight to the main event, but if you are not "wet enough", penetration will be painful enough for both men and women. Plus, vaginal tissue will not be lubricated enough to be ready to face penetration for 5 to 7 minutes after you are aroused. Pain during sex can also arise due to a wrong position or lack of sexual stimulation.

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Solution: Make sure you have a supply of sex lubricants prepared every time you have sex (check here to find home alternatives). Don't forget to also use a foreplay session to sharpen your and your partner's sexual desires.

For some people, kissing and hugging can be powerful enough to start sexually stimulating gas. Others may be able to start being aroused by watching pornographic films together or oral stimulation. Understanding what maneuvers that are good for you and your partner is the key to starting the natural process of blood flowing smoothly into the genitals, which increases lubrication and the chance of orgasm.

If you experience pain when the sex feels paralyzing or the frequency is very frequent, you should visit a health care provider. It is important to rule out the possibility of chronic conditions that can cause your pain. Doctors can also help you deal with problems with your sexual response.

5 Causes of Pain When Having Sex
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