6 Benefits of Arab Bean Health You Need to Know


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Some people might know arab beans as souvenirs from those who have just returned from the holy land. But, you know, besides having a savory and unique taste, this bean also holds many health benefits, you know! Read on to learn more about the benefits of this bean.

Nutritional content of chickpeas

One cup of cooked Arabic beans contains:

  • 269 ​​calories
  • 45 grams of carbohydrates
  • 15 grams of protein
  • 13 grams of dietary fiber
  • 4 grams of fat
  • 0 grams of cholesterol.

In addition, these types of beans also contain vitamin K, folate, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, choline, and selenium. Apart from being a source of protein and vegan and gluten-free fiber, arabic beans also contain iron, vitamin B-6, and magnesium which are very abundant.

Various benefits of chickpeas

After knowing the nutritional content of chickpeas, here are some of the health benefits of chickpeas that you should know:

1. Rich in fiber

This type of bean contains soluble and insoluble fiber in it. Soluble fiber is useful to help control the health of bile and insoluble fiber can improve health and digestive hygiene. That is why, eating these nuts is useful for those of you who are looking to lose weight because they can make you feel full longer.

Not only that, because of its high fiber content, arabic beans can also help prevent constipation and improve the smooth functioning of the digestive tract.

2. Relieves inflammation

The content of choline in nuts helps you to improve sleep disorders, flexibility in muscle movements, and improve memory. In addition, the choline content in these nuts also helps maintain the structure of the cellular membrane, helps transmit nerve impulses, helps absorb fat, and reduces chronic inflammation.

3. A good source of protein for vegetarians

Arab beans are an excellent source of protein. Even the protein content in these beans is more than the protein content of two large eggs. However, protein in nuts is not "complete" because it is not an animal food, so it does not contain essential amino acids. Even so, you can easily get amino acid intake by consuming other protein sources, such as eggs, milk, meat, whole grains and vegetables, throughout the day.

For those of you who are vegetarians, consume these beans as a substitute for animal protein intake. Because chickpeas are a good source of protein and do not add calories and unsaturated fats to your body.

4. Stabilize blood sugar

The soluble fiber contained in Arab nuts can help keep your blood sugar stable. Therefore, these beans are well consumed by those who are suffering from diabetes. Studies have shown that people with type 1 diabetes who consume foods with high fiber have low blood glucose levels. As for people with type 2 diabetes, higher fiber intake can increase blood sugar levels, lipids, and insulin.

5. Good for heart health

The high fiber content, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6 in arab nuts support overall heart health. Rich fiber content also helps reduce the amount of total cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

In fact, in one study, those who consumed 4,069 milligrams of potassium per day had a 49 percent lower risk of dying from ischemic heart disease compared to those who consumed less potassium (around 1,000 mg per day).

6. Maintain bone structure and strength

Iron, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K in chickpeas play a role in building and maintaining bone structure and strength. Vitamin K has an important role for good bone health because it increases calcium absorption and can reduce calcium excretion in urine. That is why low vitamin K intake is associated with a higher risk of fracture.

Behind the small shape, it turns out that Arab beans store many benefits for your health. Therefore, you can consume it as an alternative to healthy food.

6 Benefits of Arab Bean Health You Need to Know
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