6 Causes of Numb Thighs that Should Not Be Underestimated


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You may experience numb thighs a few times, but you often ignore them because they think this is natural. Yes, numbness can occur as a result of too long resting or not moving parts of the body for a long time. So the blood flow is not smooth and finally numb. However, if the thighs are numb you should not be underestimated.

This could be a sign of a certain health disease that is serious and needs rapid treatment. Then, what are the health problems that can cause thighs to numb?

Various causes of thighs numb

Numb thighs can cause you to experience muscle weakness and affect the functioning of your feet as a whole. In addition, you also usually experience various other symptoms such as burning, sensitivity to touch, and tingling. Here are the various causes of numb thighs that you need to know:

1. Meralgia paraesthetica

meralgia paraesthetica
Source: Mayo Clinic

Meralgia paresthetica is the most common cause when your thighs experience numbness. In addition to numbness, this condition is characterized by tingling and pain and burning in the outer thigh. This happens because the nerves are compressed to finally give the sensation to the surface of your thigh skin.

Usually this condition is caused by obesity, pregnancy, diseases such as diabetes, or tight clothing. In some cases, this condition can be eliminated by wearing more loose clothes. However, in more serious conditions the doctor will recommend medication and surgery if this condition persists for a long time.

2. Femoral neuropathy

femoral neuropathy
Source: Neuropathy.in

The femoral nerve is the part of the nerve that gives sensation to the front of the thigh or part of the lower leg. So it can be concluded that femoral neuropathy or femoral nerve dysfunction is a condition when the thigh nerve is damaged so it cannot move that part. This condition usually results from prolonged injury or pressure on the nerves.

In some cases, this condition makes the thighs numb, even these symptoms extend to the lower legs. Most of these conditions will disappear without special care but others need medication and physical therapy.

4. Tension muscles

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Tense muscles due to injury or exercise can make you experience pain or numbness in the thighs. This condition is not a serious condition so that it can be overcome by stretching and taking adequate rest.

If the thigh condition still feels uncomfortable then do not force yourself to do activities as usual until it feels better. However, if the condition does not improve, you can see a doctor for further examination.

5. Sciatica

sciatica pain

Sciatica is a condition when the sciatic nerve pathway is inflamed. The sciatic nerve is a nerve branching from the lower back, hips, buttocks, to the feet. Usually this condition most often occurs when you experience herniated disks or nerve clamps.

Usually this condition is characterized by pain that arises from the lower spine to the foot. As a result, you will find it difficult to get up and walk because the pain is very very. The pain felt by each person also varies from mild pain to a sharp burning sensation.

Sometimes, this pain also feels like a jolt or electric shock. His condition will get worse when you sit too long, cough, and also sneeze.

6. Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a complication of diabetes that attacks the nerves

Diabetes can trigger nerve damage. This condition is called diabetic neuropathy. High blood sugar levels when diabetes can damage the body's nerves and numb it. This condition is usually felt in the legs first until it finally spreads to the hands and other areas of the body.

Actually conditions can be prevented by implementing a healthy lifestyle. Because, diabetic neuropathy is a complication of diabetes that is not controlled. Therefore, consult a doctor so that you do not experience various complications during diabetes.

6 Causes of Numb Thighs that Should Not Be Underestimated
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