6 Causes of Your Eyes Keep Watering, and How to Overcome It


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Dustiness, yawning when sleepy, too long staring at the screen, until laughing out loud are some common causes of watery eyes. All of this is a natural thing and you don't have to worry too much. However, if your eyes constantly runny, you should immediately consult a doctor. Some of the following health conditions may be the cause.

Various causes of watery eyes, in addition to foreign objects

Tears are there to protect the surface of the eye and block foreign objects from entering your eyes. So, no need to be surprised if your eyes runny immediately when your eyes slip foreign objects.

Even though watery eyes are natural, it will be a problem if your eyes produce too much tears or tears cannot flow out properly. Especially if this complaint is accompanied by a change in outlook, pain, a lump near the tear duct, or a feeling of blocking in your eyes.

Here are some of the causes of your watery eyes that you need to know:


Allergic reactions (to smoke, mites, dust, animal hair, even certain foods) can cause watery, red, and itchy eyes. In general, watery eyes due to allergies will be accompanied by other typical allergic symptoms such as sneezing, biduran skin (itchy red rash), until the nose is blocked or runny.

Solution: for watery eyes, you can use eye drops. Antihistamines such as cetirizine can also treat allergy symptoms in general.

Dry eyes

Although it sounds strange, watery eyes are a sign of dry eyes. This is the body's response that detects that the surface of your eye is too dry. In the end, the brain instructs the tear glands to produce excessive tears in an effort to protect your eyes. The causes are various, ranging from changes in hormones, certain medical conditions (diabetes, rheumatism, HIV, to lupus), side effects of drugs, reading or staring at the screen for too long, to the use of cosmetics.

Solution: Treatment for dry eyes may include artificial tears, eye drops, and drink plenty of water. It is best to consult with your doctor about proper treatment, especially if your dry eyes are suspected of being a symptom of a particular medical condition.

Clogged tear ducts

The tear duct serves to channel tears produced in the tear glands to the entire surface of the eye. If this duct is blocked, either partially or completely, the tears will accumulate excessively and cause watery eyes.

This is often caused by injury to the eye area, inflammation or certain infections, to the tumor (although this is rare).

Solution: Consult further with the doctor to find out the cause. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics or surgery if the condition does not improve.

Problems with the cornea

The cornea is the outermost clear layer of the eye that serves as the first line of defense against germs, dirt, or anything that will enter your eyes. So, anything that interferes with your cornea can load your eyes runny, like dust particles or scratches. In fact, these conditions also make your eyes red, painful, and make your eyes sensitive to light.

Usually this condition lasts a while and does not need to be treated. However, if this condition does not improve, you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Eyelid problems

Eyelid problems, such as extract or entropion can cause watery eyes. Entropion is the condition of the eyelid skin that is reversed / folded in the direction of the eye, causing eyelashes to swipe the eyeball. While ectropion is a condition where the eyelid flips outwards so that the edges do not touch the eyeball.

Solution: To overcome this discomfort, you can use eye drops. Consult further with the doctor regarding treatment or appropriate corrective therapy regarding extropion and entropion.


Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis (red eye), nodules, and other infections can cause watery eyes. This is the reaction of the body's immune system to attack bacteria, germs, or viruses that cause the infection.

Solution: Consult further with the doctor. If the infection is caused by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

6 Causes of Your Eyes Keep Watering, and How to Overcome It
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