6 Health Facts Regarding Discard the Wind (Fart)


Medical Video: Benefits of Fart Smell for Health and Long Life | Hindi | TsMadaan

Fart. Dispose of gas. Fart. There are various ways to describe sounds and familiar smells released from the human buttocks.

Why do we waste the wind? Why does fart smell? Talking about farting might be embarrassing and might lead to pointing at each other to find out who the real culprit is. But certainly, exhausting is a natural function of the body of living things. Everyone does it.

The following are six surprising facts about removing wind that you might not have known before.

Fart is not solely due to digestive problems

Dispose of wind or fart is a buildup of pressure from the abdomen that is released with enough force to push, which can come from various sources. The release of air from the buttocks is caused by gas seeping into our intestines from our blood, and some gases are the result of chemical reactions between the bacteria that live in our intestines and leftovers that have been digested.

Some types of fart can also be caused by angioenetic edema of the intestine or as a side effect of stomach ulcers or constipation. Some of the cases of exhaustion, especially those that do not smell, are the accumulation of air that we swallow while talking, yawning, chewing, or drinking.

Fart is produced by peristalsis, a series of contractions of the intestine to move the remaining food to the anus. This process is stimulated by eating activity, which makes it a reason why we feel like defecating or farting after eating. Peristalsis creates a high-pressure zone that forces all contents of the intestine, including gas, to move forward to a place where the pressure is lower, which is towards the anus. Gas is more easily brightened than other components, and small bubbles unite into larger air bubbles when heading to the "exit".

Fart smell comes from sulfur and methane

Fart gas generally consists of 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane, and 4 percent oxygen. Most fart gases do not smell. However, certain types of food, such as foods that are high in fiber and contain sulfur (cauliflower, eggs, red meat) can produce odor. Some bacteria also produce methane or hydrogen sulfide which can add a distinctive odor. Only about one percent of fart contains hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan gas, which contains sulfur, and sulfur is what makes foul-smelling fumes.

Farting actually smells from the start, but it takes a few seconds for the smell to reach someone's nostrils to react to the smell.

Farting sounds vary depending on rectal vibration

It is inversely proportional to the general belief that small fart sounds are produced by "flapping" the two sides of the buttocks that clash, the farting sounds are actually produced by vibrations from the rectum, aka the anal opening.

High-low, short-farting tone will depend on the tightness of the sphincter (the ring of the striated muscle surrounding the anal canal) and the pressure behind the gas to be released - a combination that causes the anal opening to vibrate. Some people can voluntarily control the rate of gas by tightening their rectum, but at night you will tend to release the gas with a loud sound because your sphincter muscle is relaxed.

Someone usually throws wind 10-20 times per day

In general, an individual produces about half a liter to two liters of gas farting every day and is distributed in 10-20 times the incidence of wind exhaust - which can fill a balloon.

Most people who complain about the problem of "frequent waste of wind" actually do not really have an issue that is worthy of concern. Some people can get rid of the wind more often than others, but not necessarily produce more gas. The real problem may be only perceptions about wasting the wind that is different from one person to another. In mild cases, often "frequent exhaustion of the wind" is a matter of how active or sensitive the digestive system of a person is, not the amount produced.

Frequent farting is not dangerous, even if you hold it back. Frequent exhaustion of the wind can also indicate that your digestive system is going well, or vice versa, you have digestive problems, such as intolerance to dairy or gluten products. But, if you dispose of gas more than 50 times a day and accompanied by other symptoms, such as severe abdominal pain, distension, or bleeding or fattyness in your stool, call your doctor immediately.

Gas is a combustible gas

Fart gas consists of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and methane which are flammable gases, and can produce fire if exposed to sources of fire. With heat energy from a fire source, this group of flammable gases will react to oxygen from the air and flatus to produce oxides and water.

In rare cases, accumulation of flammable gas in the intestine has caused an explosion during intestinal surgery.

Even so, it is very unlikely to be able to successfully burn your fart without the risk of injury following it. In addition, gas fart has a temperature that is the same as the temperature in the body, and is not so hot to start combustion.

Smelling fart is good for health

Yes, smelling your own fart (or someone else's) can bring health benefits that are not playful for the body. At least, according to the findings of a study published in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Communications, reported by Time. The study findings concluded that hydrogen sulfide gas found in rotten eggs or human fart gases could be a key factor in the treatment of diseases thanks to its protective function of mitochondria.

Hydrogen sulphide gas in large doses endangers the body, but this study shows that cellular exposure in smaller amounts of these compounds can prevent mitochondrial damage.

The reason is, when the disease forces the body's cells to work hard, the cell will pull the enzyme to produce a small amount of hydrogen sulfide to protect the mitochondria. Mitochondria basically act as generators for the release of cellular energy, and the act of protecting mitochondria is central to the prevention of certain diseases, ranging from cancer, stroke, arthritis, heart attack, to dementia.

Note that this research is still small and too early and has not been tested in humans - it is still a laboratory-controlled test of cell samples. Maybe for the time being, you are quite grateful if someone throws away the wind near you.


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6 Health Facts Regarding Discard the Wind (Fart)
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