6 Healthy Benefits of Lettuce Leaves You Don't Know


Medical Video: 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Lettuce

On every plate, there must be fresh lettuce that accompanies your meal. Likewise with Indonesian specialties such as gado-gado or pickled. Well, even though you often eat lettuce leaves, do you know what are the benefits for health? This fresh vegetable seems to offer a variety of important nutrients, you know. Just take a look at the following benefits of lettuce leaves.

Nutrition in lettuce leaves

Lettuce leaves are a very high source of vitamin A and vitamin K. A cup of lettuce can even meet 82 percent of daily vitamin A needs and 60 percent of your daily vitamin K needs. In addition, lettuce leaves also contain various important nutrients such as iron, potassium, calcium, folate, and fiber.

Even though it is rich in nutrition, you don't need to worry about its calorie and fat content. A cup of lettuce contains only eight calories and zero fat. So, eating lettuce will actually make you full longer without fear of making fat.

Various benefits of lettuce leaves

All types of green vegetables are certainly good for health. However, don't let you miss the following types of lettuce benefits for the body. Now you have more reasons to eat fresh and healthy lettuce.

1. Maintain heart health

Lettuce leaves are rich in folate. In your body, folate functions to process amino acids called homocysteine ​​in the blood. While levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood that is too high can cause various problems in the heart. For example, blood vessel obstruction. This can increase the risk of stroke, coronary artery disease, and pulmonary embolism.

In addition, lettuce also contains vitamins A and C. Both function as powerful antioxidants against free radicals while preventing cell damage that can lead to heart disease.

2. Caring for skin beauty

Lack of vitamin A intake can make the skin color become uneven or striped. While lack of vitamin C can make the skin quickly wrinkled, sagging, and dull. Well, routine eating lettuce leaves that are rich in vitamins A and C can help treat your skin to look healthier, tighter and softer. High water content in lettuce leaves can also keep your skin moist naturally so it is not dry or scaly.

3. Increases immunity

Various vitamins in lettuce leaves function to protect immune cells against viruses and bacteria that cause disease. The content of vitamin A is also able to relieve infections, inflammation and cell damage. So, regularly eating lettuce can help you prevent common diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. For example influenza and diarrhea.

4. Prevent pregnancy complications

The benefits of lettuce for pregnant women and the fetus are certainly a shame if missed. Because, lettuce leaves are a high source of folate. Folic acid has been shown to reduce the risk of fetal loss. Lettuce which is rich in vitamin K is also able to prevent bleeding after childbirth. Because, vitamin K serves to keep the blood of pregnant women and their fetuses not too runny.

5. Maintain eye health

Good benefits of vitamin A for eye health are certainly familiar to you. Vitamin A deficiency can increase the risk of glaucoma, cataracts, and decreased vision due to the aging process. Lettuce that is high in vitamin A can help you keep your eyes healthy and sharp even as you age.

6. Prevent porous bones

Your bone formation and density are very dependent on vitamin K and calcium. So eating green vegetables like lettuce rich in vitamin K and calcium can prevent bone loss, osteopenia, or osteoporosis.

6 Healthy Benefits of Lettuce Leaves You Don't Know
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