7 Amazing Benefits of Charcoal for Skin and Hair Beauty


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Every woman would want to have healthy, well-maintained skin. That's why caring for the skin, especially facial skin, is the thing most often done by women. Generally many people choose to do skin care with ingredients using natural ingredients. This method was chosen to minimize the harmful effects of various kinds of chemicals in cosmetic products. Many natural ingredients commonly used to treat your facial beauty, such as charcoal. Read on to find out the amazing benefits of charcoal for beauty in this article.

How does charcoal work for beauty care?

Activated charcoal or activated charcoal offering beauty benefits to the skin by drawing oil, dirt and other harmful substances from clogged pores due to the strength of adsorption - absorption process.

In the body absorption is an elemental reaction such as nutrients, chemicals and toxins that settle and fuse into the bloodstream. Well, that's why activated charcoal can attract bacteria, poisons, chemicals, dirt and other micro particles on the surface of the skin. Activated charcoal powder has been proven to absorb thousands of harmful substances so that charcoal is used as a material in facial masks.

In addition to beauty, most active charcoal has long been used in the medical world to treat alcohol poisoning and drug overdose. This carbon substance works like a sponge, by binding itself to toxins and absorbing them before they are transported in the bloodstream.

However, it is important to note if the charcoal referred to here is not charcoal which is commonly used to bake food or charcoal, but carbon or charcoal produced from natural ingredients. This substance is usually produced from burning coconut shell or a piece of wood which is then activated to increase its binding capacity. The activation process is carried out by soaking the charcoal in certain chemicals.

Benefits of charcoal for beauty

Here are some of the benefits of charcoal for beauty that you should know:

1. Disguise acne blemishes

Charcoal is believed to cure acne and remove black scars from acne scars. You only need to make a mixture of charcoal powder with rose water or plain water, then apply a mask to your face, then rinse with warm water. This method is a simple home remedy that can help dry pimples on your face.

2. Close large pores

Having large pores can cause dirt, pollution, and chemicals from your cosmetics to accumulate on the skin so that blackheads are prone to appear. Well, using a mask made from charcoal is believed to be able to lift all the dirt in the pores and shrink your pores.

3. Balancing oil production on the face

You who have oily skin types You can use charcoal to balance oil production on the face. To get a moist face and a more balanced oil production, you can routinely utilize charcoal content directly. You can choose a mask or facial cleansing product with the main content of charcoal so that the face does not become dry after use.

4. Overcoming dull skin

Air pollution such as motor vehicle fumes, street dust, ultraviolet radiation and cigarette smoke make facial skin look dull. But with activated carbon, all these pollutants can be lifted perfectly.You can apply a simple mask from this charcoal to your face. The trick, massage your face with charcoal paste while massaging for 15 minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water.

5. Reduces wrinkles

Wrinkles can be reduced by about 60 percent if you massage your face with charcoal paste. Massage the face in a circle to release tension between the aging lines. This procedure can improve blood circulation and reduce wrinkles.

6. Natural exfoliator

Dry skin can make you look dull and look like it is not maintained. Well, the best way to get rid of is to use a charcoal mask. Charcoal texture can be a natural exfoliator because it can help remove sebum and dead skin cells from the face. While antimicrobial properties help prevent skin infections.

Try using honey or jojoba oil in your charcoal mask if you do have dry skin types. In addition, you can also add a little sugar or salt for action scrubbing the harder one.

7. Eliminates dandruff and nourishes the scalp

Charcoal is a trigger for detox by absorbing various impurities. The benefits of charcoal in addition to facial skin, in fact charcoal is also effective as a scalp cleanser from dandruff. Charcoal is suitable for those who have normal and oily hair types. Try using a shampoo made from charcoal or gently rub charcoal before shampooing with your favorite shampoo.

7 Amazing Benefits of Charcoal for Skin and Hair Beauty
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