8 Everyday Habits That Can Damage Your Brain



The brain is a very complex organ and functions to regulate all processes in the body, including regulating heart rate, fluid balance, blood pressure, hormonal balance, and body temperature. The brain is also an organ that is responsible for the occurrence of movement, cognition, ability to learn, remember, emotions and even human health. Unfortunately, without us knowing it, some small things that we do everyday can actually damage the brain and interfere with its function.

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Everything you do will affect your body

Have you ever felt tired, difficult to concentrate, and easy to forget? Maybe one reason is that you forget to treat an important part of your body, your brain.

A study states that the bad habits you do can damage brain cells both in the short and long term. This can also lead to the development of degenerative diseases in the body. Therefore, we must know what habits can damage your brain cells.

Your habits that damage the brain

1. Don't have breakfast

Breakfast is the most important thing to do before starting daily activities. Getting used to breakfast in the morning can affect performance, endurance, and emotional situations. Skipping breakfast can cause you to lack energy, lose concentration and memory, bad moods, poor physical and intellectual performance. Moreover, the habit of skipping breakfast can actually make blood sugar low, which makes the body lack of nutrients needed by the brain. And in the end, these habits can damage the brain in the long run. For example, a study in Japan in more than 80,000 people found that skipping breakfast increased the risk of having a stroke and high blood pressure.

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2. Consume too much sugar

Apparently, too much sugar or consuming sweet foods / drinks can inhibit the absorption of protein and nutrients in the body. As a result, brain development can be hampered and allow for the occurrence of malnutrition (malnutrition).

3. Most eat

There is nothing wrong with eating. Only, what must be considered is, it turns out overeating can cause accumulation of residual substances in the form of fat and hardening of the cerebral arteries, which has an impact on decreasing your mental strength. A study conducted by the Program Neuroscience on Substance Abuse at Vanderbilt University found that people who regularly overeat fatty foods can suffer damage to the brain. This can cause the brain to send signals to continue eating, even though the person is already full.

4. Smoking

Smoking not only harms the lungs, but also can damage the brain because smoking can actually reduce oxygen intake to the brain. Smoking can also cause Alzheimer's disease and interfere with disrupting the correct reproduction of DNA, because the heterocyclic amines released during the burning of cigarettes lead to mutations that cause cancer cells.

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5. Lack of sleep

We all know that everyone needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day to rest. Lack of sleep can actually accelerate the death of brain cells in a short period of time, and will make you feel tired quickly and have a bad mood every day. Therefore, to avoid such interference it is important to always get a good night's sleep.

6. Closing your head while sleeping

Sleeping with your head closed can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide and reduce the amount of oxygen in the brain which can cause harmful effects on the brain.

7. Drink alcohol

Alcohol can damage body organs, especially the nervous system, heart and heart. This will have an impact on chemical reactions that occur in the brain. Alcohol can affect the brain in many ways, such as memory disorders and slowing down reaction time.

8. Lack of social integration

Psychologists generally agree that our brain functions best when we have the opportunity to socialize with other people. Lack of social contact can cause depression, feelings of loneliness, and even affect our ability to remember many things. Usually, children who do not get enough social contact with their parents and colleagues are more likely to develop psycho-social problems. Meanwhile, in adults, lack of social integration can also lead to forming bad habits such as drinking and drug abuse.

8 Everyday Habits That Can Damage Your Brain
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