8 Protein Facts and Myths You Need to Know


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Protein is the substance most needed by the body. The most important function of protein is as a body builder substance. Everyone (yes, including you!) Is encouraged to consume protein food 1 gram per kg of body weight. Although fairly rare, lack of protein can cause hair loss, kwasiorkor, and marasmus in children which can result in death.

However, is it true that protein can only be found in meat? Can consumption of protein damage the kidneys? And do you need to consume lots of protein foods to strengthen muscle mass? The following are some of the things you need to know about protein.

Revealing myths and facts about protein food sources

1. There is only one type of protein

Myth. There are two types of protein food sources, namely vegetable and animal protein.

Take examples of proteins that come from dairy products. Twenty percent of whey protein is found in liquid milk, while 80% of protein casein is found in milk curd. Both types of proteins have different characteristics. Whey is a protein that is easier to digest, while casein is digested more slowly. Most foods are slow sources of protein, such as eggs, fish, steaks - especially if taken with other foods. Soybeans are a source of vegetable protein that is naturally found in soybeans, tempeh, tofu, or edamame.

2. High-fat whey protein

Myth. In fact, many people consume whey protein (such as milk, cheese or yogurt) because of the low fat content. Whey protein has an easily digestible protein. In fact, some studies show that whey protein may also be good for your immune system.

3. High-protein foods are just meat

Myth. You can get protein in the meat you consume. But you can also get protein from vegetables, whole grains, nuts, milk and processed products, eggs, even salted fish.

4. Protein is good for the body, and carbohydrates are bad for the body

Myth. Both protein and carbohydrates, both are nutrients needed by the body. Carbohydrates are the body's main energy source, so it must be present in every food you consume. Carbohydrate deficiency actually has a bad impact on the body, which can cause ketosis - a buildup of ketones in the body that cause poisoning and cause nausea, dehydration, fatigue, and failure of kidney function.

5. The more consumption of protein = the more muscle is formed

Myth. Your body is indeed unable to repair or produce muscle perfectly without essential amino acids found in protein food sources. In fact, you can build muscle by consuming protein right after exercising. In fact, several studies have shown that eating high protein foods or drinks immediately after exercise can help build and restore muscle. But, just consuming protein is not enough to build or maintain strength and muscle mass - protein is only a small part of the factors that can help build muscle. Because to strengthen muscles, you still need other important nutrients, such as carbohydrates.

6. Consumption of a lot of protein is not healthy for the body

Fact. Without realizing it, excessive protein consumption can cause weight gain. Proteins derived from meat or animal sources contain high saturated fats so that your body's cholesterol can be high. Too much protein can also cause problems if you have a medical condition, such as kidney disease.

7. Protein can lose weight

Fact. High protein foods will move more slowly through your digestive system - so it can help you feel full longer. Protein can also keep your blood sugar levels stable - so you can avoid excessive hunger. Some studies have even shown that consumption of protein instead of carbohydrates can help you lose weight.

8. Men need more protein than women

Fact. The number of protein sources needed by the body is influenced by gender, age, weight, and physical activity. Generally men do need more protein than women. But the need for protein will increase in women who are pregnant or have athletes.

8 Protein Facts and Myths You Need to Know
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