Are you crazy about eating chocolate? Can Be Because Your Genes Are Different


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Who doesn't like chocolate? Chocolate is touted as a type of food that can mood someone improved again. Not only does it taste good, but the aroma and texture make this food popular with many people. But it turns out you like to eat chocolate not because it tastes good, but your genes 'say' like that so you like it.

Like to eat chocolate can be innate

Genetics plays an important role in determining what constitutes an individual. This has been proven in a study conducted by researchers from Tufts University. This study states if the genetics in each individual influence the taste preferences he chooses. Including, if you really like to eat chocolate, this could be your favorite already born.

The study reported at the Experimental Biology 2017 meeting examined genetics in 818 participants, consisting of 404 men and 414 adult women. The research team analyzed the genetics and recorded the food consumed by each individual.

Then, it is known that people who like to eat chocolate have different oxytocin genes than those who don't like to eat chocolate.

Genes affect one's appetite

Genes do not only determine the physical appearance of a person, but it turns out that the DNA codes affect your daily food preferences. In this study, the genes that were found to be different were genes that played a role in the function and levels of oxytocin in the body.

So this is how simple it is, the body becomes easier to activate oxytocin, a hormone that functions to bring pleasure, calm and comfort. In chocolate lovers who have this different gene, oxytocin is very easily stimulated only with chocolate.

So that after eating chocolate he feels happy, comfortable and calm. Therefore, he did not think twice about consuming chocolate a second time. Finally, he became very fond of eating chocolate.

Does this affect your health?

This can cause your food to be less varied and that's it - because you only like the food. If this happens, you are at risk of experiencing a shortage of certain nutrients (malnutrition). Because, basically there is no one type of food that is perfect and has all the nutrients needed by the body.

But calm, of course genetic influences will also be influenced by the environment and habits in your family. For example, children who do not like to eat vegetables or fruit because they have never been accustomed to by their parents since childhood.

Of course, all of this will affect your health in the future. even though your food preferences are influenced by genetics and the environment, but there's nothing wrong with trying foods and drinks that you don't like before to protect your health.

Are you crazy about eating chocolate? Can Be Because Your Genes Are Different
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