20 Easy Ways to Spur Yourself More Actively Moving During the Office


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All day working in the office requires us to sit all day at the table. In fact, sitting too long every day poses health risks that are comparable to smoking to trigger various diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

Worse yet, the negative effects of too long sitting cannot be reversed and cannot be compensated for with good habits. The only way to avoid this health risk is to reduce the length of sitting per day and start actively moving.

Researchers at the University of Warwick report that in order to cancel the negative effects of sitting too long, we must walk 11 kilometers or stand for seven to eight hours. Can it?

Walking eleven kilometers a day (or even 10,000 steps) it seems impossible to do for most people. But there are various easy ways so you can start actively moving while in the office.

  1. Take a walk or stretch for at least 3-4 minutes every hour
  2. Work with standing tables
  3. Hold meetings while walking
  4. Lunch or buy afternoon snacks in a distant place on foot
  5. Buy coffee at a coffee shop that is a little away from the office on foot
  6. Park a car or motorcycle far from the entrance of an office building
  7. Overlap with each other to communicate with each other in the office, rather than skype call, chat, or email
  8. When you want to urinate, select the bathroom on one floor below / above your office by going up and down stairs
  9. Go up and down the building to reach your office floor, take a break, go buy coffee in the lobby, or have lunch
  10. Take the elevator or escalator to 2-3 floors below your office, and continue the rest up the stairs
  11. Shake your legs by tapping your feet or twirling your ankles while working to improve circulation
  12. Use the trash can / printer / fax machine / photocopy that is farthest from your desk
  13. Stand during meetings and presentations
  14. Walk around the office building after lunch or when you arrive in the afternoon
  15. Get off the bus at one stop before your subscription stops, and walk to the office
  16. Take a walk in the room when you call
  17. Change sitting position or posture as often as possible
  18. Stretch your wrists, arms and neck muscles after hours of typing
  19. Do half squats, small jumps, or alternately hold balance on one leg while waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing
  20. Go back and forth as often as possible to get drinking water

Not everyone has the time, energy, or ambition to go to the gym after a long day of work. For those of you like that, please try to apply a number of easy tips every day to encourage yourself to be more active while working.

20 Easy Ways to Spur Yourself More Actively Moving During the Office
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