Be careful, husbands who often stay up late can make wives difficult to get pregnant


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When trying to get pregnant, most couples will focus on improving their lifestyle to be healthier. Starting from choosing foods to get pregnant quickly, taking prenatal vitamins, diligent exercise, to reduce consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Unfortunately, you and your partner may often miss the importance of getting enough sleep. In fact, a recent study revealed that husbands who habitually sleep late aka sleep deprivation can make his wife more difficult to get pregnant, you know. Why sleep habits can be the cause of difficult pregnancy, huh?

Soluble sleep habits can reduce the fertility of a husband

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You might think that eating nutritious foods and taking prenatal vitamins is enough to speed up pregnancy. In fact, you and your partner also need to sleep enough to get pregnant quickly.

A lecturer in epidemiology from Boston University School of Public Health, Lauren A. Wise, Sc.D, looked at 790 couples to see the relationship between couples' sleep habits and the chance of pregnancy. When husbands experience sleep deprivation, which is less than 6 hours a night, the chances of a pregnancy turn out to drop dramatically to 42 percent.

Lauren A. Wise suspects this has something to do with hormonal changes. Enough sleep is not just to refresh the body, but also to make sure all body hormones are produced properly and in normal amounts, including male fertility hormones.

Soluble sleep habits can reduce testosterone in men. Because the hormone testosterone will be produced every night, when you fall asleep. If the husband's sleep habits are not regular, then the production of testosterone will certainly be hampered.

As you probably already know, the testosterone hormone is a male sex hormone that produces sperm. When the amount of testosterone is low, the quantity and quality of sperm will certainly decrease. Whether in terms of number, shape, or less optimal movement. As a result, the husband's sperm is not able to penetrate the egg well and frustrate fertilization.

Most husbands sleep also have the same effect

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Although men who habitually sleep late aka sleep deprivation can be a factor in the difficulty of getting pregnant, but this does not mean husbands can take revenge by sleeping as often as possible. Because, most sleep can also provide the same effect, you know.

Still from the same study, men who slept more than 9 hours a night proved to be able to reduce the chance of pregnancy - just like when they lacked sleep. Instead of making the body feel fresh, sleeping too long actually makes the body tired and not powerful.

You will usually skip breakfast because you wake up late. You wake up feeling hungry and start looking for any food that is filling. It doesn't matter if the food you choose is classified as unhealthy, such as fatty foods, sweets, fried foods, and so on.

Well, these types of foods can accumulate fat in the body and trigger health problems, namely heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Excessive fat intake in the body can even reduce sperm quality.

Even so, experts still need further research to prove the link between sleep habits and male fertility. Likewise with the effect on the chances of pregnancy.

How to get pregnant quickly, how long should you sleep?

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Staying up late has been proven in various studies as one of the factors causing difficulty getting pregnant. Well, you might be wondering, about how long you should sleep so that the quality of sperm is maintained and can make couples get pregnant quickly. The key is you have to sleep enough, meaning no more and no less.

Quoted from WebMD, the length of sleep that can be said is enough around 7 to 8 hours. To restore your sleep schedule back to normal, you can ask your partner for help in this matter.

First, make an agreement regarding the hours of sleeping with your partner. Not only helps fast sleep, adjusting the hours of sleep with your partner can also increase household harmony, you know.

After that, make sure you both turn off the cellphone before going to bed. Blue light (blue light) from cellphones not only disrupts your sleep cycle and your partner, but also decreases the production of the hormone melatonin. The hormone melatonin is a sleep hormone which also plays a role in protecting egg cells, especially during ovulation.

Even so, there are actually many causes of difficulty getting pregnant that may be trivial and you don't realize, for example eating patterns to other habits. If indeed you are planning a pregnancy, you can consult with a doctor in order to increase the chances of pregnancy.

Be careful, husbands who often stay up late can make wives difficult to get pregnant
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