7 Things That Turn Out to Damage Your Body's Endurance


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Endurance is the body's ability to ward off all types of germs that will enter the body. If the body's resistance is good, the body will always be healthy. Conversely, if the body's resistance decreases, the germs easily enter, so it is easy to get sick. Therefore, in order not to get sick easily, you must increase endurance.

Unfortunately without realizing it, your lifestyle can affect how well your immune system can protect you from germs, viruses, and chronic diseases. Therefore, changing bad habits that are detrimental to your health can help keep your immune system in an optimal state.

Here are some things that can damage your immune system:

1. Lack of sleep

The number of activities that you have to go through can sometimes make your sleep less. Lack of sleep can make your immune system fail to protect you from colds, coughs, and other diseases. As a result, lack of sleep can affect mental and physical health problems, including being able to increase the production of stress hormones due to decreased endurance.

2. Rarely move

Ease of technology sometimes makes you rarely exercise because you are too absorbed in using a smartphone, whether to play games, photos, or play social media. In fact, if you do not exercise regularly, you are more likely to develop colds, coughs, or other diseases because exercise can increase feelings of happiness and make you sleep well so that you can increase your endurance.

3. Too much salt and sugar, less fruit and vegetable food

The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics emphasize that consuming nutritious foods is very important to maintain your immune system. Consuming foods that can interfere with your immune system are foods that are rich in saturated fats, including consuming too much salt and sugar.

Therefore, to maintain your immune system, you need to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins C and E, such as oranges, kiwi, apples, red grapes, kale, onions, spinach, sweet potatoes, and carrots including onions white.

4. Stress

According to the National Cancer Institute, prolonged stress can affect your immune system. Stress can encourage the brain to produce the hormone cortisol which can interfere with T cell function in fighting infection. Therefore, it is important for you to prevent or reduce stress by doing fun things so that your body relaxes, like going to the beach, doing yoga, or just running a hobby that you like.

5. Solitude

Having a strong relationship or a good network of friends turns out to be good for your immune system. In fact, according to one study found that people who feel connected with friends have better immunity compared to those who feel lonely.

6. Don't have a sense of humor

It turns out to be good for health, because laughter can inhibit the production of stress hormones in your body and will increase white blood cells to fight infection.

7. Smoking

You already know that cigarettes are not good for health, including for your immune system. The nicotine content in cigarettes can increase the production of the hormone cortisol and reduce the formation of B cell antibodies and the T cell response in fighting body infections.

In fact, according to a study published through PLoS One, steam from electric cigarettes can damage the lungs and make vape smokers more susceptible to infection because free radicals in electronic cigarettes can cause inflammation of the airways.

7 Things That Turn Out to Damage Your Body's Endurance
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