Benefits of Petroleum Jelly Vaseline for Dry Skin


Medical Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: The many benefits of petroleum jelly

You women, you must have heard about petroleum jelly which has many benefits. Petroleum jelly itself in Indonesia is more commonly known as the Vaseline brand. For those of you who are conditioned on dry skin, this certainly does not only cause discomfort, but also disrupts the appearance. The use of petroleum jelly which can moisturize and treat skin health can be the solution. We find out the benefits of petroleum jelly vaseline in terms of health through this article.

What is made of petroleum jelly?

Petroleum jelly or petrolatum is a half-solid mixture of hydrocarbons. Petrolatum itself is divided into natural, artificial, derivative and synthetic. Natural petrolatum is obtained from refining kerosene or petroleum to remove odors and change color. The purification process is done by removing the yellow color on the kerosene so that it turns white.

The benefits of petroleum jelly to deal with dry skin more effectively can be obtained if used routinely, especially before or after washing clothes. Bathing with hot water and laundry soap tends to remove the skin's natural moisturizing oil. So you need the benefits of petroleum jelly vaseline. Follow the instructions for using petroleum jelly to restore the smoothness, softness and moisture of your skin.

The benefits of petroleum jelly vaseline to moisturize dry skin

In general, petrolatum has a white-clear form of paraffin and is oily. White petrolatum is used to moisturize the skin. The use of skin moisturizers can help overcome dry skin conditions, especially those with eczema or dermatitis. Most dry skin conditions can be caused by environmental factors, such as:

  • Live in areas with low humidity
  • Being in very hot or cold weather
  • The effect of long bathing in hot water.

The benefits of petroleum jelly are to treat and maintain skin health, including:

  • Function to moisturize the skin by forming a layer of oil that inhibits the occurrence of the evaporation process of water on the surface of the skin as the main factor causing dry skin.
  • Ointment to reduce skin friction that can make the skin blister. Generally it is often found in people who are overweight.
  • To deal with and reduce the severity of skin diseases, such as eczema or atopic eczema, namely skin problems characterized by itchy, scaly, itchy and reddish skin.

What to watch out for when using petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly is considered safe if applied to the outside body, but you need to be careful about using it around the nose because it can cause inhalation of gels or some lipid substances into the respiratory system.

If left for a long time, this condition can be dangerous because of the risk of causing serious disorders of the lungs, namely lipid pneumonia or diseases caused by fat deposits in the alveoli which can result in chest pain, coughing, and shortness of breath.

If you already know the benefits of petroleum jelly vaseline, now you only use it. For those of you who have sensitive or allergic skin, it's good to consult your doctor first. Stop using if your skin feels uncomfortable. And don't use it excessively.

Benefits of Petroleum Jelly Vaseline for Dry Skin
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