Beware, Shocking Someone Can Trigger a Fatal Heart Attack


Medical Video: Heart Attack Myth Busters

"Ah, you just made me suffer a heartache!" You may have heard or said many times. Indeed, since long ago many people believed that shock caused death from a heart attack. However, how is this phenomenon seen from the medical side? Is it true that someone can die of shock? Check out the review below, yes.

What happens to the body when you are shocked

When surprised, your body will automatically activate the mode to protect yourself. This mode is known as the termfight or flightwhich means fighting or running away. The brain will read this situation as if there is a dangerous threat.

The brain's nervous system then instructs certain body parts to prepare themselves to fight or escape from the threat. Among other things by increasing the heart rate, increasing blood flow to the muscles, slowing down digestion, and widening the pupils of the eye.

This shock reaction is very useful in primitive times because humans have to fight or run away from wild animal attacks. However, in modern times like today, this reaction would certainly be excessive.

How can it be shocked to cause death?

To activate modefight or flightwhen shocked, the brain will produce various chemicals such as adrenaline and neurotransmitter compounds. Chemical reactions of these substances are very toxic to the body. So, if immediately released in large quantities at once, this toxic substance will damage internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.

However, usually what can cause sudden death is damage to the heart organ. According to experts, damage to the lungs, liver, or kidneys will not immediately kill someone.

Heart damage that occurs due to shock

The adrenaline hormone will flow from the brain's nervous system to the heart muscle cells. This causes severe contractions in the heart muscle. If the adrenaline that enters the heart is too much, the heart muscle will continue to contract violently and cannot relax again. Finally, the heart will beat at an unnatural speed.

The human body will not be able to accept this awesome heart race. Blood flow throughout the body also stops suddenly because of heart failure. This is why shock causes death.

Who is prone to death from shock?

Don't underestimate the fatal consequences of being shocked. Because, shock caused death in people of all ages and health conditions. Young people and healthy people can also experience sudden death in surprise. Yes, this phenomenon does not only affect the elderly and people who have a history of illness or heart attack. So you should not carelessly surprise people.

To reduce the risk of death by surprise, you can try meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques. Relaxation can help your nervous system so you don't overreact when shocked.

Beware, Shocking Someone Can Trigger a Fatal Heart Attack
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