Take Note, These Are 5 Typical and Easy to Recognize Symptoms of DHF


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Dengue fever or dengue fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by mosquito bites Aedes Aegypty and Aedes albocpictus who carry a virus. Unfortunately, many people do not realize that they have this disease, until finally they have to be hospitalized. Well, for that you need to know the following signs and symptoms of DHF to be more vigilant.

Signs and symptoms of dengue that you need to pay attention to

To prevent the condition from worsening, do not ignore some symptoms of dengue like the following:

1. High fever

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Many people do not know the difference between ordinary fever and dengue fever because this condition is very common. Usually fever indicates inflammation in the body.

What you need to pay attention to is that fever from dengue symptoms can reach 40 degrees Celsius and occur suddenly. DHF fever usually occurs for two to seven days.

2. Headaches and muscle aches

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The next symptom after a few hours of experiencing a fever is a severe headache. Pain usually appears around the forehead even to the back of the eye.

In addition, the patient will feel pain in the joints and muscles. This condition sometimes makes the patient shiver and sweat.

3. Nausea, vomiting, and the body feels tired

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Dengue fever can also cause digestive disorders, such as nausea and vomiting. The stomach and back are also not uncomfortable. This condition usually occurs for two to four days.

All symptoms that occur in patients will make appetite decrease. As a result, patients will feel their body tired because of the weakened immune system and lack of nutritional intake.

4. Red rash on the skin

The appearance of a red rash on the skin, precisely on the face, palms, underfoot, or other body parts shows a critical phase. This is a typical symptom of dengue fever which indicates that DHF has entered a critical phase.

5. Bleeding occurs

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In addition to the rash, DHF has begun to enter a serious phase if there is bleeding, such as bleeding or bleeding gums. This condition can get worse and cause complications, such as damaged lymph nodes and blood vessels, enlargement of the liver, and failure to circulate the circulatory system.

Without medical treatment, this condition can result in shock,severe bleeding, even death, this condition is known as Dengue shock syndrome (DSD).

Take Note, These Are 5 Typical and Easy to Recognize Symptoms of DHF
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