Blinking Eyes Are Normal, But If Too Often Can Be The Cause


Medical Video: What causes excessive blinking of eyes? - Dr. Samina F Zamindar

Blinking is one of the normal body reflexes. Blinking is useful to preventdry eyes, protect from too bright light, or other foreign objects that will enter the eye. Blinking also serves to regulate tears, keeping the eyes healthy while cleaning the eye surface. However, sometimes there are some people who have blinking eyes more than usual. What caused it?

What causes the eyes to blink often?

Generally according to the development of age, the baby will blink twice in one minute. When you are a teenager, someone will blink more often, be 14 to 17 times a blink per minute and this will stay until you age later.

Unfortunately, there are some people who have eye conditions often blink more than usual. Excessive flicker sometimes involves one or two eyes at a time. Some people also experience frequent blinking of the eyes along with other movements (tics) on the face, head or neck.

The cause of blinking is often caused by dry eyes, tired eyes, and external stimulation which makes this reflex appear excessive. Flashing reflexes will appear when there is a foreign substance that enters the eye.

Another thing that causes blinking can also be caused by allergic reactions, so the eyes need to be given moisture by blinking. In rare cases excessive blinking can be marked due to nervous system disorders, stress, conjunctivitis, or blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids).

When does this often blinking eye condition must be addressed immediately?

These blinking eyes should be checked immediately, especially if you experience other symptoms such as red, runny, painful or swollen eyes. Later, the doctor will diagnose the cause of the symptoms.

You might be advised to do a complete eye exam, for example to find out there are problems such as deep eyelashes, corneal abrasion (scratches on the front surface of the eye), conjunctivitis, foreign objects in the eyes, or dry eyes.

The cause of this blinking of the eye too often can be seen by examining a device called a slit lamp (slit lamp) This tool is a special microscope that is used to enlarge the eyes. Excessive blinking can be considered abnormal if:

  • Influencing daily activities
  • Disturb your vision, for example when driving
  • The blink lasts for hours

How do you deal with excessive blinking of the eyes?

If excessive blinking is caused by corneal abrasion or or conjunctivitis, the doctor can give eye drops or ointments.

Your doctor may also give you glasses if excessive blinking is caused by blurry or unclear vision. Whereas if there is a neurological abnormality, the ophthalmologist will advise you to undergo a different or other treatment to a neurologist.

This condition can also be caused due to Tourette's syndrome

Also, please note, excessive blinking in the eyes can be caused by Tourette syndrome. Tourette is seizures or repetitive movements (very fast) that occur when part or even the whole body moves repeatedly suddenly, and cannot be controlled.

Children and adults can suffer from Tourette's syndrome. This disease usually appears at the age of 5 to 15 years. However, in many cases this disease attacks disappear with growth in children.

Currently the exact cause is unknown, but this disease can be inherited along with other nervous system diseases. Tourette's syndrome is a complex disease, most likely caused by a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors.

Blinking Eyes Are Normal, But If Too Often Can Be The Cause
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